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  1. 2Funky

    badlad? see bad dad.................sorry grandad

    I finished all music, foley, sorround mix over 18 months ago now.
  2. 2Funky

    Need more info on what this is about ;)

    Glad you are interested. Hopefully you will be able to see it on the big screen soon. (the Music & Sorround mix is paticulary good for a very small budget film) (:P) )'>
  3. 2Funky

    Diary of a Bad Lad on You Tube

    I thought it could be a good idea for Mike to consider putting the trailer on Google Video / Mytube, and was going to mention it to him . It wasnt me though! Isnt This the newer trailer, or is there another in the pipeline?
  4. 2Funky

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Screen grabs look great Mike. Good quality & well lit!.