Hi I'm Neil

El Neilio 10

Junior Member
Hi, my name's Neil and I'm new to the site.

Before I begin with the 'interesting' stuff, I have to confess that I wrote this up beforehand, off-line, on MS Office 2007's OneNote. So, please excuse me if it sounds a little scripted (???). Regards the software, I couldn't recommend it strongly enough. It's better than sliced bread. My fantasy football scores are positively going through the roof as a result. If you've got it, use it. If you haven't, GET IT. ;)

***No more plugs from me...***

Right, now for the Dr. Evil part... Last year, I set about writing my memoirs and yesterday I gave up on them getting published. Of the two offers I received, both wanted an author subsidy. Now, on other forums I frequent, some posters raised the brouhaha that is vanity publishing. I was convinced it wasn't that though. (I just think the publishers didn't want me bottling it and refusing to help publicise the work after printing out xK copies. And knowing the content of the book, I wouldn't have blamed them, either! ;) ). If you've seen the silly Austin Powers film series, then when I say I tried to out-do Dr. Evil's infamous self-introduction, you might have an inkling as to how extreme I wanted my book to be. No punches were pulled. It was very frank indeed.

In the five years before writing the book (which I rushed down in 3 months of 2008), I'd held down (and released) a number of jobs. Probably the most interesting was my time working in a prison, of all places, on Suicide Prevention. It used to amuse me endlessly how my boss would ask me to wait a safe distance away from the sniffer dogs that were patrolled past on occasion. God knows what she thought of me. Anyway, enough on that! There's the Official Secrets Act I signed to think about!

Prior to the above, I spent around six years in Tokyo, my favourite place on Planet Earth (I'm not particularly well-travelled so I accept there's probably better places!) where I worked mostly as an undercover English teacher. Over there, I taught at quite a few Governmental agencies (amongst many other places) and seem to recall having signed an Official Secrets Act out there, also. So, enough on that, too!

Other than all the above, I have a degree in Zoology, five sisters and a brother. When it comes to entertainment, I think I'm easily pleased. Something has to be absolutely dire to turn ME off. (I don't know if this is a particularly good thing.)

I found this site by a random event yesterday (mentioned in more detail in another thread already) and it's something that I believe could interest me greatly. I'd love to offer my services (should there be situations vacant). I'd happily have a go at acting, if you need actors, but would really love to get involved in script-writing / directing (which I'm pretty sure are very much related). Failing that, I'll probably finally get down to brainstorming a plan for a novel to work on in the not-so-distant future...

There's a tonne of other stuff I'd love to ramble on about (eg. the number 237) but I just know I gotta keep this short. ;) Humour, that's another thing that means so much to me. If you can't laugh at yourself, you're really missing out on the joke of your life. And all that.


I really look forward to engaging in all sorts of interactions with you guys (whilst a member of the forum).


Tomorrow, I'll probably run silently and check out more of the site to be sure it's something I could get really enthusiastic over. I hope my expectations are met and that I'm positively encouraged to keep returning. Addiction's not always a dirty word!
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