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    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    The stills were wonderful this Friday I can confirm. Kev
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    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Yeh, come on in guys, the water's lovely.:eyeroll: Kevin
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    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    Thoroughly enjoyed all the banter today. Cannes. Yes, the festival. My best mate is a leading film critic and he goes there a lot. Except I suppose he is the guy who everybody opens doors for. They are really scared by him. Kevin
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    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    It was great to see that fabulous young actor Chris Finch on the TV tonight is a small role in Daran Little's Hollyoaks: In the City. Great, too, to see him play such an evil character who attempted if I got it right to date rape poor Lisa, who looks like she could be a gonna by next week...
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    Chris Finch in SoapLife

    I have got three middle names, so I often like to use different ones: Francis is one (Frank); another is Ralph. Kevin is my first name, but I also like to be known as Kev or Kevvie. I have now decided to be Kev on here. I do have another middle name, but I will keep you guessing. :confused...
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    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    I have been known to wink, and I have to say this is really cool. ;) Kev
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    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    Oo, what a lovely forum this is. I feel so welcome here. Kev
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    Unofficial Finchy Friday?

    Gotta be. Kev
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    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Who is this Bruno geezer. You are new like me, Strawbs. Yous eem like such a nice friendly person, and very knowledgeable. Us newwies ought to stick together. Ralph
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    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    Who is that geezer in that pic. He looks familiar. Does he have anything to do with Chris Finch of Bar Stewards fame. Ralph.
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    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    Here speaks someone who talks good sense. Nice to have a sensible person over here. I think I will stay. :) Ralph
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    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    O, I am so-o looking forward to it. It looks like my kind of film. Great acting. Great fun being had by one and all. Wowee. Ralph
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    Chris Finch in SoapLife

    O, it was great to see this fine actor again. I will be so pleased to see him in ITC. But Bar Stewards seems so great. Ralph