New look of the Pleased Sheep Films site

So what do you think of the new look of the Pleased Sheep Films site? Before you comment, please note that the forum design is only temporary and will be updated to match the slick look of the rest of the site later on this year.

Also we're still adding the site content onto the site so there are still some gaps and pages that don't work. We're aware that the drop-down menu at the top of the page is out of action too. We're hoping it's fixed soon.


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Well-Known Member
What a difference an online day makes, eh?! Wow.

It could be me just being dense, but could someone explain the background (to the left/right of the board) to me? I don't understand what it's meant to be showing.

A lil site request...I'm finding the blue link/topic text (in relation to thread lists/usernames/blog entry info/unbolded hyperlinks/etc) a lil bright/light. It doesn't stand out much from its white background and I'm not finding it that easy on the eye. It feels like the colouring of the text and its background complement each other a bit too well. Could you maybe make this blue text darker?

Good luck with implementing/fixing everything! :)


Making Dreams
Cast & Crew
Thanks for your input Joanna, the bits to the left and right is a fly-postering look, I like it - it looks grungy, independent and rebellious.

As for the colours of the links at the top, we'll have a play, not everything is 100% yet - there are three people currently working on it, and they are all in different locations, so you might see a bit of chopping and changing over the next week or so.


Well-Known Member
Righto, Cop. Cheers for clarifying. Happy PSFing! :artist:

PS: I'm getting a little bit of 'post movement' (not sure how else to describe it!) when scrolling down a thread, btw (and, actually, summat similar when scrolling down any area of the site). Scrolling through posts isn't as smooth as before. And :cool: it would be great if post text was just a teeny bit bigger. It's not tiny or anything (and perhaps my screen resolution doesn't help), but I haven't got brilliant eyesight and even a marginal increase in size would be really appreciated. Right, I'm logging off now for just in case a :beatyourarse: is imminent!....
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Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
Joanna said:
PS: I'm getting a little bit of 'post movement' (not sure how else to describe it!) when scrolling down a thread, btw (and, actually, summat similar when scrolling down any area of the site). Scrolling through posts isn't as smooth as before.
No idea what this is Joanna. I'm looking at the site on a really old slow computer at work on crummy IE6 which totally misformats the site's header but I'm getting no 'post movement'. Then again I don't exactly know what I'm looking for. What browser are you using nowadays? And what resolution screen do you have? If it's a high rez screen you may want to set your browser to bump the font size up, especially if you have bad eyes. It's certainly not going to help them by squintage :cool:)

Joanna said:
And :cool: it would be great if post text was just a teeny bit bigger. It's not tiny or anything (and perhaps my screen resolution doesn't help), but I haven't got brilliant eyesight and even a marginal increase in size would be really appreciated.
It's the same size as before so I've no idea why it's a problem now. It's actually the default font size for this software, so the same as sites like Digital Spy.

I take your point about the link colour being a bit too bright though. I'll look into it and see if we can at least make it a little darker.


Well-Known Member
Cheers, Mike. My main browser is Firefox and my screen resolution is 1440x900. And yep, I already have my browser's font setting on an increased, er, setting. (I've actually just experimented with increasing it again...and the main post text didn't seem to be displaying in a larger size...though all sig text did! :confused: )

In terms of the 'post movement'....When I scroll down any part of the site now, accompany the 'wobbles' I now get through the screen as I do so...get the odd moment where certain areas of the screen sort of split/move away from their fixed merged position with everything else on said screen. This on/off 'movement' just happens very briefly before the area of the screen corrects itself back. Sorry I'm not being very clear, Mike, but it is so difficult to explain!


Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
I think it's a combination of the forum integration and a struggling video card. That said forum integration shouldn't effect the rest of the site.

As for the text size though, it's the same as before ;)

1440x900 is pretty high rez as well. Why did you get such a high rez monitor? :D

Could you do a screen grab and post it as an attachment?
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Well-Known Member
Michael said:
Why did you get such a high rez monitor? :D
It just happened to be the resolution the computer I was interested in had...that's all... :D :cool:

Michael said:
Could you do a screen grab and post it as an attachment?
*looks at clock* Michaellll! I'll have to get back to you in daylight hours, as I'm currently half-asleep and so really need to log off!

What part of the forum/site would a screen grab be best from? Anyway, haha, not sure I want to risk embarrassing myself by posting a screen grab, as it may well look fine to anyone who views it! And having a look at some posts now, the font size isn't actually seeming too bad for me. Obviously not ideal for my crap eyesight...and so if it was a touch bigger it would be helpful to said eyesight...but, yep, as you say, it's just a normal sort of size. And again, my screen resolution probably isn't helping things. Anyways, as I'm currently viewing the site with sleepy/bleary/irritated eyes, I'll give it all another look over once I'm a little more awake!


Senior Member
I just had a look at the menu at the top and it seems to be showing sub-items underneath the sheep and lights. Apart from that, it's looking good at 1280x800 with Firefox 3


Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
Thanks Gorf :) The designer of the site has been in touch and is trying his best to fix the problem with the drop-downs in the top menu.

By the way if anyone's using IE6, although the site is usable I know it doesn't look great. I don't think we'll do anything to fix that as if you use Internet Explorer 6 you deserve everything you get. It's one of the most complained about web browsers in the history of the internet :):p :)


Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
Is that "ooh" at the new design or "ooh" at my comments about IE6? :)


Making Dreams
Cast & Crew
This doesn't sound great

In May 2006, PC World rated Internet Explorer 6 the eighth worst tech product of all time. [20] A certain degree of complacency has been alleged against Microsoft over IE6. With near 90% of the browser market the motive for innovation was not strongly present, resulting in the 6 year time between the IE6's introduction and its replacement with IE7. This fact is one contributing factor for the rapid rise of the open source alternative Mozilla Firefox.

IE6 does not fully support CSS version 2 unlike most browsers which in turn means web developers must use "hacks" or workarounds so IE6 will display web pages correctly.

IE6 has also been criticized due to its instability.

I haven't used Internet Explorer for probably 3 years now, I use Mozilla Firefox now and never gone back.


Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
Yep, and it doesn't display transparent .png images properly too, replacing the transparency with a grey/blue colour :(

Bottom line is folks, if the site's displaying like that for you, download Firefox ;)

Chris Finch

Cast & Crew
Congrats on the new site. My opinion is a little mixed I have to say. Feel free to sack me from Bar Stewards but I thought it best to offer my honest opinion - pleeeease dont hold it against me!!

OK - first off I love the blinking sheep! I think it's a really cool little company logo.

Unfortunately I feel the overall 'movie theatre' design comes across as a little cheap. Almost like a pre-installed theme in a web design package for anyone who is creating a quick movie themed site. I think my main gripes are the spotlights on the banner and the font theme on the headings. I have to say I prefered the 'Pleased Sheep Films' font on previous incarnations of the site.

Also I'm not sure about the background to the left and right. I kept looking for relevance but couldn't find any. It catches the eye so i cant help but be drawn to it...perhaps a little distracting.

Other than aesthetic issues I find the navigation and layout to be working very well. I know a lot of hard work and time has gone into this (well done to all involved) but I'm sure we're all grown up enough to take criticisms ;)


Making Dreams
Cast & Crew
Chris Finch said:
Unfortunately I feel the overall 'movie theatre' design comes across as a little cheap. Almost like a pre-installed theme in a web design package for anyone who is creating a quick movie themed site.
You wont see that anywhere else, only on PSF

Did you know you can click the little moons at the top to change pics? I am going to create some tonight hopefully


Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
Chris Finch said:
Unfortunately I feel the overall 'movie theatre' design comes across as a little cheap. Almost like a pre-installed theme in a web design package for anyone who is creating a quick movie themed site. I think my main gripes are the spotlights on the banner and the font theme on the headings. I have to say I prefered the 'Pleased Sheep Films' font on previous incarnations of the site.
It's a unique design Chris which the designer has created from scratch. The whole thing is a professionally designed piece of work - nothing's pre-installed or taken from a web design package. Like Cop said you won't find it anywhere else.

If you've got that web design package by the way, I want a copy! ;)

Chris Finch

Cast & Crew
Oh I guessed it was original design, I just meant it had 'a look' of a pre-installed theme ;)