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  1. Cop

    Back at the pub - video

    Nah, that can't be you Wiggy, that guy isn't orange enough
  2. Cop

    Back at the pub - video

    Deinterlaced coloured grabs
  3. Cop

    Back at the pub - video

    Still not as good as the V1 stuff :-)
  4. Cop

    Need more info on what this is about ;)

    And Here is the sequel
  5. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    When did we do the NIGHTCLUB scenes? :confused:
  6. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    He's not a proper Doctor then... I'd change hospitals if I was you!
  7. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    Hi all, I know I have been a little bit quiet and stressed, and I have not been easy to contact, it's becuase I have been REALLY busy recently
  8. Cop

    Fixed :luv&worship: Those guys at MovieSet are excellent
  9. Cop

    Doctor Who

    At the moment Strawbs, your not wrong, I'm 25 next month and a lot of things are hitting home, my life has been wasted so far... I think I'm depressed and I am taking out on the things I love... and one of them is television. Television is rubbish, particularly British television at the moment...
  10. Cop

    Doctor Who

    Well to be fair, I (or the audience) don't know if it's a gay bar... but going off Jack's character history - we assume it is. Otherwise why say he was talking to a man in a bar... why not a another person involved with Torchwood, somewhere? A man in a bar? Can Russell T Davis not come up with...
  11. Cop

    Doctor Who

    His acting didn't need to specify, that was the whole point. What Captain Jack was saying - that he was getting information from a man in a bar! - That's the "joke" - Obviously, strictly professional... - Come on! Why didn't he get it from a 'woman at a bus stop?' I think that's shit writing by...
  12. Cop

    Doctor Who

    I TOTALLY agree with you, the new series' of Doctor Who has just been brilliant, I should have mentioned that... but that's what disappointed me with the latest finale. But in regards to Captain Jack... that character does annoy me. I'm not homophobic, (if people wish to believe I am... well...
  13. Cop

    Doctor Who

    I disagree, I thought "Donna" was annoying throughout the series, spoilt it if anything, and I think Catherine Tate was only cast because she was flavour of the month. Her character was pointless, proven by her existence in the last episode - Martha and Rose could have been there for the same...
  14. Cop

    My Favourite Star Wars Spoofs

    Is this is what you are on about Dave? It's brilliant
  15. Cop

    Red Rock Micro feature Bar Stewards montage

    :-o) Excellent exposure! :-o)
  16. Cop

    The Big Brother Thread

    You have hit the nail on the head there Mike. Obviously, wingy soft people are going to moan to Ofcom every time something controversial happens on Big Brother... thus making the show pointless. I think Big Brother (since the Jade Goody incident) has been walking on thin ice and the progamme...
  17. Cop

    The Big Brother Thread

    :D :D My point is though... they are all nuts, no one can predict somebody spitting I know, but they should be able to predict somebodies behaviour with certain people, problems and situations... And that's why they have cast them - Thus making the producers responsible. If it was upto me, I...
  18. Cop

    The Big Brother Thread

    I've taken on board what say about Panic Attacks. I agree that Dennis should have gone, but I reckon if it happened in an earlier version, he would have stayed, and faced the consequences... then the public would have voted him out... then ripped to bits by the tabloids. I don't want to see...
  19. Cop

    Retail Producer

    I can get you some blow up dolls, rubber cocks and gimp-masks.... I can get discount... of my Great Grandma :-)
  20. Cop

    The Big Brother Thread

    ... and that's what I hate about Big Brother, I don't know if I am living a sheltered life or what, but I have never partaken in a "group hug". If Mike, Birty, Chris and Paul Gordon invited me into a group hug after the shoot, I would walk away shaking my head and never work with them again. -...