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  1. G

    Is it just me...

    ...or has PSF been down all day (and I don't mean in the pervy way) (:P) )'>
  2. G

    800 Posts!

    A couple with movie themes: BRAD WASTERS STAR WARS BED This whole thread wasn't inspired by the opening credits of "Fawlty Towers", was it?
  3. G

    800 Posts!

  4. G

    800 Posts!

    You'd have to draw the lurkers out to achieve a target like that. It just ain't gonna ha... ...oh.
  5. G

    Cloverfield... Hmmm... Familiar camera

    Shouldn't the listing read: "This is the camera that wasn't used to shoot Cloverfield"?
  6. G

    Blu Ray vs HD-DVD

    Well, Universal have issued a statement about HD so it looks like it's not as "over" as we first thought.
  7. G

    Blu Ray vs HD-DVD

    I can't understand why the PS3 has had the (supposed) positive effect on Blu Ray takeup. I'm an old git, so I don't know all that many people with consoles, but they all use their consoles for games, and their DVD players for films. I'd have thought that (until this news came out) most PS3...
  8. G

    Diary of a Bad Lad showing at Cornwall Film Festival 2007

    Is that a synopsis, or did she really call you that? What a cool Mum... <B)
  9. G

    Diary of a Bad Lad showing at Cornwall Film Festival 2007

    Lancashire telegraph article No mention of punch ups with pricks, or their proximity. ;)
  10. G

    And Did Those Feet (starring Chris Finch)

    Do productions like this ever come back once they've finished their run? I'm really sorry I missed this one, after reading its reviews.
  11. G

    Credit Shrinking

    I told a woman to sit down or go yesterday, as she did that at the end of "Ratatouille" - I wanted to see if I knew anyone (I'm an a few animators' lists).
  12. G

    Credit Shrinking

    Surely, having a placement standard that is just begging for someone who does their credits in something like After Effects to walk right up to the camera, step around (in front of) the credits themselves, and yell over the link voiceover "I've seen it. It's crap - switch over to Channel 4...
  13. G


    That girl needs to be told the difference between a TV and a spin drier... :eyeroll:
  14. G


    That would be great, especially if longstanding members "reintroduced" themselves for newcomers. It would be good to see who's part of "Diary..." and "Bar Stewards" making, and who's here because they're itching to see them released.
  15. G

    The Simpsons

    Who is your Favourite Character - Dr Nick Favourite Simpsons Line - Krusty talking about an indie film he'd been bribed to vote for: Yeah it moved me - TO A BIGGER HOUSE! Oops - I said the loud bit quiet and the quiet bit loud Favourite Simpsons moment - Homer answers the door to Mel Gibson...
  16. G


    Hi, All. Didn't know if this should go here or in "Anything goes" but as I'll finish with a few planned projects I thought it was best posted in here. The "intro" came about as the result of a "who the hell are you" PM response from another user. As I was typing my usual long rambling b*ll*cks...
  17. G

    Films to offend the whole family?

    Where do you draw the line? Some time ago, I was planning a three-minute film which would have ended with someone being hit by a car. My wife, whose first husband was killed in a road accident, refused to let me use family members for filming so it ended up being shelved. I read that something...
  18. G

    Doctor Who

    I'm not a "fan" of the new series, but if I'm channel hopping and come across it when it's just starting, I'll watch it. The one with Anthony Head as the headmaster had my 7-year-old son in tears (not for the creatures, but when K9 sacrificed himself), but the one that made the hairs on the back...
  19. G

    If you would like to see Diary of a Bad Lad, sign here.

    Would love to see it - theatre or DVD (not fussed). Hell, I'd even design the DVD if it helped get it out any quicker!