Search results

  1. Booth

    Tim Paley in... Frank Foster Superstar

    We've been working on something recently and to cut a long story short I was approached to make a corporate video, and then I found out Tim Paley was to act in it. This was totally coincidental. Anyway I thought I'd post up some stills featuring the Palester himself playing Frank Foster.
  2. Booth

    The Sideboob Hour

    To cheer myself up I've been watching Family Guy. I can't help but quote the last line from this. For some reason this really makes me laugh. qycHzWB1Q_8
  3. Booth

    How to add YouTube movies to your posts

    To add a YouTube movie to your posts it's now a bit different. We've had to implement this because the other method left the site open to people posting links to dodgy sites. So to post YouTube movies you now do this... 1) Start a new post/thread. 2) Click the button (it's where the image...
  4. Booth

    Dropouts Photo Gallery

    I've just got rid of all the spam from the Dropouts gallery. Feel free to post comments on the pics of us looking all youthful and innocent:
  5. Booth

    Slideshow on MySpace

    Hello, just added a new slideshow to my MySpace page... You can check it here: Add me if you like it :cheezyWanks:
  6. Booth


    Now doesn't this look cool. It does to me anyway. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have an extensive collection of imported grindhouse movies... Grindhouse Trailer:
  7. Booth

    Red Camera

    I'm starting to get excited about the release of the new high end digital cinema camera that's going to be released this year - Red. For a camera body it's supposed to cost $17,500 which relatively speaking is very cheap. Especially as this camera records not just high definition, but at 4k...
  8. Booth

    Paul Gordon aka The Rock

    coming to a lavatory near you soon
  9. Booth

    Happy New Year 2007!

    Happy New Year to everyone on here, lets hope its a good one... :cool:
  10. Booth

    Server change - last night

    Hi everyone. Last night we had to change our server so we could upgrade the database. As a result we're missing a few things, the smilies are a bit corrupted. Things will return to normal though :-o)
  11. Booth

    Nintendo Wii

    Anyone getting/got one of these? We've got one under the Christmas tree. Apparently you get a friend code when you buy one of these so you can visit other peoples Wii's wirelessly. I'll post my friend code here when it's set up on Chrimbo day .¬)
  12. Booth

    Temptation... Coppack = Camp David

    Cop, you've really put yourself in line to play Camp David with this role... 5HDjProJEbE
  13. Booth

    Wiggy gets a write-up

    Only just discovered this but I thought I would post it as the picture amused me so much.
  14. Booth

    Joe O'Byrne in Coronation Street

    Just had a heads up (thanks Joanna) that Joe O'Byrne is in Coronation Street tonight. Scroll down this page...
  15. Booth

    Forum petz

    Okay you can now have your own Pleased Sheep Forums petz. Simply got to Petz in the menu up at the top. Click on the vet, scroll down and buy a pet. If you don't have enough points you can create an egg. Eggs take a while to hatch though ;) You can train your pet up, learn it magic, fight...
  16. Booth

    Games Arcade now open!

    Yep you heard it, look at the menu at the top of the screen and you'll see we now have an arcade where you can all compete for the top scores. Yes, that means your scores can be saved for all to see and attempt to beat. If you're a bit short sighted and can't see the 'arcade' link up top there...
  17. Booth

    Behind the scenes pics here

    A selection of Paul Birtwistle / Paul Coppack behind the scenes shots for your delectation... Now go donate some money to Children in Need :-o) Leigh Francis was on a moment ago as himself, now if only he'd do a cameo in Bar Stewards.
  18. Booth

    PS Xbox Live - who's playing?

    How many of us has an Xbox Live account on here? Maybe we can start a clan. I know the guys over at Sumners have regular XBL gaming sessions so anyone who's interested should check in. Post your Xbox Live gamertag here.
  19. Booth

    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    If you're interested in seeing our next feature Bar Stewards, please post here. You never know it may even speed up things. The more interest in the production, the more attractive the production becomes for potential funders/sponsors if they know there's an audience when it comes to...
  20. Booth

    Chris Finch in SoapLife

    I found this on the web after Joanne pointed out that he was in Soaplife magazine.