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  1. Booth

    The Darrener: That's a wrap

    Posted on the front page and copied here... Last Wednesday the latest issue of local newspaper The Darrener was published featuring an article about Bar Stewards with an interview by producer/actor Tim Paley. You can download a scan of it here:
  2. Booth

    Sony EX3 + XDCam peripherals

    If you thought the Sony EX1 was a nice little HD camera, the best in class. Take a look at the EX3. I want one! Where's me silver spoon?
  3. Booth

    Excitement about Cannes

    I don't know why, but this year I'm especially excited about going to Cannes. I think it may be that for the first time since 2005, we've actually got something to 'sell'. And on top of that it's the first year that everything has gone without a hitch (accomodation, accreditation) and we're also...
  4. Booth

    The Bench

    Joe emailed this to his mailing list today. If you can get down there please do so, these guys always put on a very good show :)
  5. Booth

    East Lancashire Film Festival

    Michael Booth, Paul Coppack and Chris Finch are to be guest speakers at the East Lancashire Film Festival next Thursday (March 13th) talking about filmmaking on a budget. Other speakers include West End star Joe Alessi and Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondalgh. For the full story click here...
  6. Booth

    Happy Birthday Christopher Finch

    Have a good birthday Chris! .¬)
  7. Booth

    Bar Stewards in 3Dworld Magazine

    On page 88 of 3Dworld Magazine there's an article on digital grading (I think) and the test footage that they have used is from Bar Stewards. I haven't seen it myself but our VFX guy Haz informs me that it's in the shops now.
  8. Booth

    Grange Hill Axed

    Grange Hill only on for one more series and then is going to be axed. No more Mr Lydon :( http://
  9. Booth

    Cloverfield... Hmmm... Familiar camera

    Cloverfield the new movie from Lost producer J.J.Abrams. And the bidding is over, but the camera they used to shoot it with was up for grabs on Ebay. Can't help thinking it looks familiar :)C
  10. Booth

    Blu Ray vs HD-DVD

    Okay so now Warner Bros have announced that they are ditching HD-DVD and going to be solely Blu Ray. This comes not long after Paramount going HD-DVD exclusive, and only a day after HBO went Blu Ray exclusive. Personally I have a PS3 and the Blu Ray movies that I have look fantastic. I have...
  11. Booth

    Happy New Year!

    Thanks to everyone who has been a part of the Bad Lad and Bar Stewards teams over the past year and thanks to the members of the site who are following our journey trying to make low budget films in a country where making films is almost like trying to find the holy effin' grail. And thanks to...
  12. Booth

    Frank Gallagher's Alternative Christmas Message

    A few weeks ago myself and Cop were at Sumners to get some footage transferred for the Bad Lad DVD release. While we were there, Jamie the senior colorist treated us to this years Channel 4 Alternative Christmas message that was to be delivered from infamous Shameless character Frank Gallagher...
  13. Booth

    New guestbook at

    A new feature has been added to the Diary of a Bad Lad website, in the shape of a guestbook that visitors can sign. You can also add a picture showing just what a bad lad or bad girl you are. Check out the new guestbook at
  14. Booth

    Diary of a Bad Lad screen grabs thread

    I'll be updating this thread with screen grabs taken directly from the film, hopefully right up until it's released. End Title Card Tommy's Intro Tommy's Intro ECU Big Billy the Bouncer Richard the Junkie Charlie Anderson Joanne - Hidden Camera footage Birty & Roxy...
  15. Booth

    Diary of a Bad Lad showing at Cornwall Film Festival 2007

    The official thread for discussing Diary of a Bad Lad being shown at Cornwall Film Festival 07.
  16. Booth

    For Birty - Old Man from Family Guy montage

    Birty wouldn't stop imitating the old dude from Family Guy the other day, so here's a compilation to amuse him. Old Man - Family Guy
  17. Booth

    Tony Wilson

    Yesterday Tony Wilson died of Cancer, he was 57. The guy was responsible for bringing some of my favourite bands into the public eye. He championed some of those that others wouldn't give the time of day. A sad loss to the North West and in general. Rest in peace Mr Wilson.
  18. Booth

    Bar Stewards "Car Blog"

    13277285 It's Finchy in a car doing a rather unique blog.
  19. Booth

    Ever wondered how your mouse cursor works?

    Click the link below to find out how your computer mouse cursor works (the little arrow than moves when you move your mouse). It's even more intricate than you think...
  20. Booth

    Bar Stewards Cannes Flyer

    For anyone following Bar Stewards I thought you might like to see the Bar Stewards flyers that we're taking to Cannes. You promote things over there a bit differently than you would to a normal audience. The first copy we've had created for Bar Stewards, limited edition :cool: FRONT BACK