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We have managed to get it online before Christmas Day, which is in itself a small miracle. It's been put together very quickly so bear with the sound quality and with more time it could have been edited down.
But it is what it is, our first Christmas podcast. It's a bit of an epic weighing in at 56 minutes featuring myself, Paul Coppack and a couple of cameo appearances from Chris Finch. Find out what's going on with Bar Stewards and the world of PSF, general rambling about nonsense and also about the sick preservation society. All in the festive Pleased Sheep Films Podcast.
Or download it here at: http://www.pleasedsheep.com/podcasts/PodcastXmas200864kbps.mp3
Please note that there is uncensored bad language and sexual references.
Merry Christmas everyone!

But it is what it is, our first Christmas podcast. It's a bit of an epic weighing in at 56 minutes featuring myself, Paul Coppack and a couple of cameo appearances from Chris Finch. Find out what's going on with Bar Stewards and the world of PSF, general rambling about nonsense and also about the sick preservation society. All in the festive Pleased Sheep Films Podcast.
Listen to it streaming here... (56 minutes)
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Or download it here at: http://www.pleasedsheep.com/podcasts/PodcastXmas200864kbps.mp3
Please note that there is uncensored bad language and sexual references.
Merry Christmas everyone!