Search results

  1. timpaley

    Transit Van Rquired for Shoot

    Does anyone have, or knows anyone that has a red transit van that we can borrow for a couple of days. It's required for a film shoot in Bolton. It needs to an oldish van, 7 0r 8ish years old, and needs to be unsigned. It doesn't need to be tidy, tatty is better, but it does need to be legal. We...
  2. timpaley

    Welcome to the new message board!

    Much better this Michael, good job well done. Now go to bed
  3. timpaley

    Bad Lad preview screening at Kino Film Fest (AMC cinema)

    In a word, AWESOME. Much better than anticipated, funny than expected and more professional than some blockbusters. The audience saw this too, and the applause after confirmed this. Wait till it hits London. The Bad Lad Cometh