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  1. Cop

    East Lancashire Film Festival

    In Lancashire Telegraph. Young thespians to get famous support CELEBRITIES from across the North West will be supporting budding actors of the future by getting involved in the East Lancashire Film Festival being held at Accrington and Rossendale College next week. The prestigious annual...
  2. Cop

    800 Posts!

    I was in my bedroom reading football news on Teletext, and I was half listening to what was going on, I didn't realise it was the news, it sounded like docu-drama
  3. Cop

    East Lancashire Film Festival

    Who? :) :cool: Never heard of them, what they been in?
  4. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Flight 175
  5. Cop

    800 Posts!

    PG... thats horrible :dIZZy: CURRENT LEAGUE TABLE Cop 58 (Thread Creator and Promotor) Strawbs 24 Joanna 22 Fran 14 paulgordon 11 Michael 9 timpaley 6 camp david 5 Birty 4 Chris Finch 3 Gorf 3 LovelyLaura 3 Rach 2 wiggy 2 angel clare 2 Rachel 1 pattyb 1
  6. Cop

    800 Posts!

    I wish I was there to see this Kg73WzRY4RU
  7. Cop

    800 Posts!

  8. Cop

    800 Posts!

  9. Cop

    FOX Going Forward with Spaced Remake

    GO JESS! I love that girl to bits... She is right though, but I will give Spaced US a look anyway, just out of curiosity. I hope it does OK in the states, only for it create more awareness and DVD sales of the proper UK version.
  10. Cop

    FOX Going Forward with Spaced Remake

    I think that is a very honest assessment from Pegg. There are plenty USA remakes that wasn't recieved too well, “Red Dwarf” and “Men Behaving Badly” were awful, but some do work - “The American Office” being an excellent example. So I don't have a problem with Spaced being remade for the...
  11. Cop

    800 Posts!

  12. Cop

    800 Posts!

    I wonder who is going to win the race to post number 200? .¬)
  13. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Bar Stewards' Biggest Fan
  14. Cop

    800 Posts!

    You are rubbish! .¬)
  15. Cop

    800 Posts!

    I was hoping one of our sensitive or female posters would post a response like that... Mike, it's official, you are now... a gay
  16. Cop

    Happy Birthday Christopher Finch

  17. Cop

    800 Posts!

    I got this to me sent as an email, I think some of the more soppy members (not that kind Birty) would like this tale. These two guys reared this lion from a baby in England but the authorities would not allow them to keep it once it reached maturity. So they were forced to give it up, they...
  18. Cop

    FOX Going Forward with Spaced Remake

    FOX Going Forward with Spaced Remake Pilot ordered for new version of British cult series.   US, February 29, 2008 - FOX is going forward with their remake of the British cult series Spaced, ordering a pilot for the new incarnation, says Variety. Since the project was announced last fall...
  19. Cop

    800 Posts!

  20. Cop

    800 Posts!
