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  1. Cop

    TV Comedy Gold :D

    I have just done a Peep Show marathon, and he is excellent in that
  2. Cop

    Crime Scene Wild

    Oh Joanna... what do we pay you for?! :rolleyes: :)C
  3. Cop

    Christian Bale Rant!

    Christian Bale v Peter Griffin :luv&worship: :luv&worship: :luv&worship:
  4. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    If Pleased Sheep made training videos...
  5. Cop

    Chris Finch Video Blog - "Hob Nobs"

    I'm not acting! He's been taking the piss long enough now :cool:
  6. Cop

    Chris Finch Video Blog - "Hob Nobs"

    So that's his attitude is it... sniggering! :mad: Child
  7. Cop

    Christian Bale Rant!

    It's a shame, because it would be 1000 times more funnier if it was a Welsh accent!
  8. Cop

    Christian Bale Rant!

    Ha ha They say they come in three's A short clip of a pornographic movie cut into a Comcast broadcast of the Super Bowl in homes in and around Tucson. Officials at Comcast confirmed that its signal was interrupted during the Super Bowl, but the company is still working to figure out how porn...
  9. Cop

    Christian Bale Rant!

    I was in restaurant in Cannes after we had been over charged for a bottle of wine. To avoid confrontations, I wanted to leave, but when the manager threatened Paul Gordon ("I'll break your fucking nose you c*nt") I wanted to hang around... I would have love to have seen that.
  10. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    Look how much Bar Stewards has gone up in the Movie Meter since the inclusion of WALL-E's MacInTalk, its now at it's highest .¬)
  11. Cop

    Christian Bale Rant!

    Ohhh beat me to it! Quality Stuff... sounds like Bale was having a bad day
  12. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    I never knew people in Nottingham were such big fans of the five time Academy Award-winning American Western film actor?!
  13. Cop

    TV Comedy Gold :D

    I think that stumble was better than his whole Mark "always depressing" Fowler career in Eastenders.
  14. Cop

    Problems with logging in - here's what to do

    No I didn't get the message this time... I think its worked
  15. Cop

    Problems with logging in - here's what to do

    I find, rather than clicking back, type in and it's starts to work fine again. Sometimes clicking back brings the message up after a split second like Fran's
  16. Cop

    Weird weekends with Paul Birtwistle & Chris Finch

    FINCH: All these sightings of orange lights, they never have any sound do they...? WIGGY: They are not always orange lights? FINCH: Yeah I know, but there is always sounds for orange lights isn't there... Quality :D
  17. Cop

    Found this nugget on someone's blog

    "Here is a cool Poster for a great MUFF Neu film, Diary of A Bad Lad" Get in! :-o)
  18. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    I caught the end of that, I didn't really like it though. The show had no atmosphere at all. The Richard Hammond narration was cringe-worthy... it needs to be commentated in the style of Harry Hill or Craig Charles (from Takeishi's Castle)... Charlie Brooker would be ideal after a 9pm watershed...
  19. Cop

    Why is TV still rubbish?

    TV is rubbish, I agree, I was told that "Survivors" was the thing to watch, and with a lot of it filmed around my neck of the woods, I decided to watch it... "Dumbed down gash" is all I can describe it as, I was so poor. British TV is very naff at the moment, especially at Christmas as the...
  20. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    Yeah Jamie does a lot, he is always busy... sometimes he is not credited by name, as sometimes it's Sumner's.