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  1. Cop

    The Big Brother Thread

    Forgive me, I don't know any of there names so I will have to describe them, - but yes "Toff Prick" was out of order he shouldn't have done it, but he did apologise, several times. Cue "Moany Bitch" to skrike for ages while the rest of the soft do-gooders (trying to win brownie points with her...
  2. Cop

    The Big Brother Thread

    This is dross... spitting in peoples faces, too many emotionally unstable people in there... in my opinion.
  3. Cop

    The Big Brother Thread

    Watching the highlights show with this Rex chap smudging that girls painting.... :mad: :mad: HE HAS APOLOGISED, FUCKING GROW UP AND GET OVER IT :mad: :mad: I swear I am not watching it this year! She's still going on! Masterpiece?
  4. Cop

    SHOOT THE DJ - UK Movie in Production

    That sounds quite an achievement, well done. How did you get on with extras? For Bar Stewards we did a four day shoot in a nightclub, certainly the hardest task was filming was filling it with people. The first day was alright, coming to day 3 and 4, a lot of people lost interest, we got there...
  5. Cop

    Cats, the (school) musical.

    To be honest, I would worry too much about the quality, parents just want it as it is, as long as the quality isn't bad. Oh and make sure you copy protect the DVD's if your selling them - parents are fuckers for copying the discs of eachother. We made that mistake at Shooters once, we didn't...
  6. Cop

    Cats, the (school) musical.

    I assume you are having one camera static then, or do you have another camera operator? When is the production?
  7. Cop

    The Dead Thread

    "Gentlemen... we're history" :luv&worship: :G
  8. Cop

    Money grabbing artists

    Staff do? :eek: Fucking arseholes :mad:
  9. Cop


    I don't think Kev understands the way the industry works... there are not many actors who can "write their own ticket". Once you can write your own ticket, you have cracked it. Besides actors such as Chris still have to audition for these roles, many of them unsuccessful, (One high profile...
  10. Cop

    The Dead Thread

    Cyd Charisse 8 March 1921 - 17 June 2008 Cyd Charisse, the dancer and actress who appeared in such film musicals as Singin' in the Rain, The Band Wagon, and Silk Stockings, died Tuesday in Los Angeles after suffering an apparent heart attack; she was 86. Born Tula Ellice Finklea in...
  11. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    Nah, I think it would have more like... "Vump"
  12. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    What I want to know... what did it sound like?
  13. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    Don't laugh.. It's not funny Street sweep truck sucks up dog A street-sweeping truck has sucked a dog up through its bristles on a New York street, leaving its horrified owner holding nothing but the lead. Robert Machin, 57, had just finished walking his two Boston terriers in the Bronx and...
  14. Cop

    SHOOT THE DJ - UK Movie in Production

    I've just checked out the trailer, where did you shoot it?
  15. Cop

    The Dead Thread

    I know, I think I'm going to watch JP tonight :(
  16. Cop

    The Dead Thread

    Stan Winston (April 7, 1946 – June 15, 2008) STAN WINSTON STUDIO RELEASE:   Academy Award-winning makeup, creature and visual effects artist Stan Winston died Sunday at his home in Malibu, California, after a prolonged illness. He was 62. In a career that spanned four decades, Winston...
  17. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    It's rare that I agree with him... I tend to switch off and put on a CD when he comes on.
  18. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    Maybe he's Paul Merton's agent
  19. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    He thinks he has the last laugh by embarrassing the police via the media... They'll be watching him like a hawk now, waiting for him to step out of line.
  20. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    I would have been polite and said "come in", offered them a brew, and explained that I fell of the sofa, something smells of fish... and it ain't Alan Partridge. We are not getting the full story here. I can't believe he is trying to say that the police turned up, he shut the door on the...