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  1. Cop

    800 Posts!

    I mean it will more than a few second clip... it will be worth 800 posts, trust me
  2. Cop

    800 Posts!

    why, what do you think I am not telling you? Im not hiding anything... 800 post for shit load of clips... it'll give us something to look forward to. It's a good little game I think... and I like seeing you cyber-squirm8-))
  3. Cop

    800 Posts!

    :eyeroll:No, straight up... When the guys at Pleased Sheep were discussing putting some footage on, somebody said there is not enough demand for it... I think there would be if "the people" spoke up... there are a lot of "Guests" when we look online, it would be nice to read something from...
  4. Cop

    800 Posts!

    No no no, do you want to see Bar Stewards or not... :cool: you will all have to work for it! :)C
  5. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Bar .¬) :) errrr BRA's:-o) I have worked out, between the regular 6 posters, we need to post 9.5 posts a day each, to get it done in two weeks. If we can get more members, or if we can some of the "lurkers" to show their support, I reckon we could do it much faster. .¬) And it will more...
  6. Cop

    800 Posts!

  7. Cop

    800 Posts!

  8. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Hey here is a good one STAR WAS BRED
  9. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Whats that mean? :confused: :)
  10. Cop

    800 Posts!

    I bet have the same love for the sea, than I do for my hills... I love me-hills me, I dont think I coud live in London.... you need hills! 8-)) STAR Post number....
  11. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Yeah, I have always had a soft spot for Balckpool. Although there is a lot of dirty drugs addicts, chavs, slappers, knobheads etc, I LOVE the place I think its ace, tacky but ace... We went for dinner in the Red Lion pub, and we saw that washed up ship on the beach too. I bet its ace living in...
  12. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Look lke Fran has got the right idea, Hey Fran, we were up your neck of the woods yesterday
  13. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Trust me, lets see if Joanna can srounge some new members... .¬) I bet we get there within two weeks
  14. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Well you will have to work hard then... .¬)
  15. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Rules are simple When this thread reaches 800 posts, the chaps at Pleased Sheep might post some footage... So we have 1 post... Lets see how long it takes! How to post pictures Find the picture you want to use on the net Right Click it, go to properties Copy the URL When replying to a...
  16. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    I still havn't forgiven him for what he did to my Gem :mad:
  17. Cop

    Crime Scene Wild

    Yeah, it was good that, I enjoyed it... that wasn't "Crime scene Wild" though... I think that program was called "How The f*ck Did that Dear Get There?! Co'mon Let's Find Out!"
  18. Cop

    Crime Scene Wild

    Chris, does this look familiar? It seems that the narration is missing completly in this clip i1sd_ZvHdHc