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  1. Cop

    Bar stewards myspace

    ;) I'll try to sort it out... aparantly its looks brown, is that right?
  2. Cop

    Bar stewards myspace

    Ohhhhh shut up :mad: :)C I'm working on it - I'll yet you when I have time to play around with it :-o) Cop
  3. Cop

    Happy Birthday, Fran!

    He looks like an ill Jude Law there
  4. Cop

    Happy Birthday, Fran!

    I typed in "happy birthday fran" into google, and this came up HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRAN!
  5. Cop

    Cops Top Tips - Cannes

    CLICK HERE FOR UPDATED THREAD It’s coming up to that time of year again and the guys at Pleased Sheep won’t be missing out. With the hotel booked, and flights ready to be confirmed, my third, and Michael’s fifth trip to Cannes is now being prepared. After what the press described as a...
  6. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    I think Paul Gordon looks a better Buz Light-Year than Finchy looks as Woody :)C
  7. Cop

    Gordon N Coppack

    Where did you find it? Without giving it away to other posters?
  8. Cop

    Gordon N Coppack

    Are you sure you have found it Joanna?
  9. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    This should keep you happy until we get back from Cannes
  10. Cop

    Bar Stewards Cannes Flyer

    Mike told me he liked the little pictures of the sheep at the top.... becuase he thinks they look like Chris :confused: :-o) :)C
  11. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    :)C Wiggy Is that Fincy's Angel of North impression? :-o)
  12. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Yeah I bet Joanna ;-) 8-)) :|ips: (:P) )'> :)C
  13. Cop

    Lookin' For Lucky

    The words "Geeky" and "Twat" spring to mind ;-) Sorry ladies 8o() :eyeroll:
  14. Cop

    Dead Man's Cards: what the critics have to say...

    After watching This is England a second time around, you can tell which scenes were done earlier. The scene where Shaun is talking the lad from Fat Friends look like something you would see on CITV, so I reckon they did those scenes earlier on - however his performance does improve loads...
  15. Cop

    Dead Man's Cards: what the critics have to say...

    What has this forum turned into? .¬)
  16. Cop

    Dead Man's Cards: what the critics have to say...

    Me and Joanna in a room, together... alone? :Z I cant think of anything more concerning... She will try to dress me as Marilyn Monroe probably 8-)) 8-)) Only kidding Jo... whos to say I wouldn't like that anyway ;-) Anyway... Dead Mans Cards... I erd itz gud an dat. :)C
  17. Cop

    Lookin' For Lucky

  18. Cop

    Queer Corrie

    Yeah come on Kev, I'm sure you are better than that - we all know what Strawbs is like - she has even admitted it on a previous thread. We like your contribution to the board
  19. Cop

    Lookin' For Lucky

    That picture on the last page looks like he has had a typical night out in Burnley... ;-)