Hey up Wiggy
Just got around to CHILDREN OF MEN and I was blown away. I wasn’t all to bothered until I saw that IMDB listed it within the Top 250 best ever movies. I too initially didn’t expect much but in terms of production I thought it was extremely well directed, both visual and performance. How cool were the action/tension scenes that never broke shot? Some of them ran at nearly ten minutes without compromising any action detail that you’d expect from any other decent movie which was incredible. Superbly choreographed.
Everyone should see this film along with paying close attention to scenes and appreciate how difficult some of them must have been.
Also saw ROCKY BALBOA tonight to which I’ve never seen a busier movie at the flicks!! There was a massive double queue (2 screenings at the same time) leading from the SCREEN-1 entrance out into the car park, and if anyone knows Bolton Reebok VUE, they’ll know how long!
Keeping it short, BALBOA was uplifting and well produced; if you ever enjoyed
any of the previous movies you should see this at the flicks!!