Yeah, Cop, sadly have to agree.
Should of really learnt my lesson from when I watched the
League of Gentlemen film. In that, they messed about with both the LOG world and the core personalities from within it that I loved so much from the tv episodes. I loved the show because it was just that: a show. You had both differing things happening per episode and differing reactions to them, etc, but the characters and the 'world' they inhabited were always reassuringly the same (well, as 'reassuring' as Royston Vasey can be!

). So the essence of what made the show so good was never changed. It was in the film, though. Was actually a big fan of TLOG, but now just can't see the show in quite the same light anymore because of how the film has undermined it for me.
Similar feelings with the Simpsons film. The elements that made the show so genius were messed about with and extended too far beyond the natural reach they had in the episodes. In order to make a film out of a show, most things have to be that bit 'more'. It simply can't have exactly the same 'feel' as an episode from the show it's taken from. All good (or, in The Simpsons case, genius) things, perhaps? Suppose it also depends on exactly the sort of tv show you are adapting. Some shows are just going to work better than others in film. Then there's those behind the films and in what direction they want to take things...
The thing, to put it incredibly simplistically and very generally, with films that aren't created from this basis is that they are produced to be 'more', but you sort of don't know they are. There's a scale and heightened sense to them, but only by their very nature. So, in one way of thinking, these are sort of invisible. They are just films, after all...

And they're also not extensions to something that didn't need extending in the first place (though there could obviously be room for debate on that one).
Still a Simpsons fan (it's just too good), but, again, find the film has slightly undermined the programme for me. Not even sure when I last watched anything from the Simpsons...except the film...
Then, of course, there's also the fact that, with both the Simpsons film and the LOG one, they just simply weren't very good in the first place...