Works In Progress


Senior Member
Just thought I'd mention what I'm up to at the moment, as my second post of th e forums...

  • Sleeper (pre) - Writer. We're doing quite well with this. Some big names are already involved and we're trying to secure a big name director at the moment.
  • Small Window In Time (pre) - Writer/Director. I'm furiously scriptwriting at the moment, as the production company wants a first draft by the 31st!
  • Community Service (post) - Writer/Director/Editor. Once I finish that first draft, I can finish the editing and grading on this.
  • New Beginnings (post) - Editor. I need to burn off a copy of the 2nd edit so the sound designer can get cracking.
  • Boyz (pre) - DoP. The funding's in place, we're just waiting for a green light.

Jeez, it's crazy when I see it written down like that :eek:


Senior Member
Here's a little update on my projects:

  • Sleeper - the director we sacked stole our script and keeps trying to get it made. His deplorable attitude ensures that he keeps failing. It's now called "The Operative" or suchlike.
  • Small Window In Time -Still sorting the screenplay.
  • Community Service - Don't ask, the composer hasn't done anything on it for months!
  • New Beginnings - Not heard back since I finished the edit, I assume it's still having the sound done.
  • Boyz - There's a meeting with RTE needed, but it probably won't be until January at least.
  • Seeing Smoke - This is the big one at the moment. We're starting principal photography on Tuesday (with me as DoP), and it's an eleven week shoot, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. It's about a man falsely accused of molesting a child, and the way his life falls apart because of it. We've had some nice noises from the BBC, who want 6 weeks first refusal when we finish post.
  • Duty Calls - We've sent it off to a load of festivals, it's a short about a security guard and a vending machine!