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  1. Booth

    PSF at Future Artists tonight!

    It's the night of the Future Artists event at Urbis in Manchester which is now sold out. Pleased Sheep films will be there. Jonathan Williams (producer/writer/actor Diary of a Bad Lad) will be providing the keynote speech. And later on there will be a panel discussion which will include Jon...
  2. Booth

    Just Because We’re British Doesn't Mean We Have To Be Mediocre

    An article by Salford Film Festival Director Steve Balshaw about the state of British Cinema and the rise of micro-budget filmmaking. This is included on our site because Diary of a Bad Lad and Pleased Sheep Films get a prominent mention. This was originally published on various film websites...
  3. Booth

    Michael Jackson has died

    According to website TMZ and reported by Sky News. That was something out of the blue, he's only 50 and had his tour ahead of him. Heard about it from John Robb.
  4. Booth

    Free Cinema, An Essay on Film by Lindsay Anderson

    Jon discovered this on YouTube. It's as Jon put it... "Lindsay Anderson talking sense in 1986". wnd0wVD14N4
  5. Booth

    Forum software

    I'm thinking of changing over the forum software, and this isn't to add new functionality or to make it run better it's this. The current forum software is Vbulletin. The company who make Vbulletin were taken over by another company. Now it seems all of the original developers have either left...
  6. Booth

    New look of the Pleased Sheep Films site

    So what do you think of the new look of the Pleased Sheep Films site? Before you comment, please note that the forum design is only temporary and will be updated to match the slick look of the rest of the site later on this year. Also we're still adding the site content onto the site so there...
  7. Booth

    Fish Tank

    Myself, Paul Coppack and Curtin Parloe attended the red carpet premiere of this in Cannes. After the film, we were approached by a French television crew who asked our opinion. Paul Coppack began his critique by saying... "It was brilliant from beginning to the start." Discuss.
  8. Booth

    PSF in Cannes 2009

    The Pleased Sheep team have arrived at the Cannes film festival where it's been very hot and sunny. After sharing a flight with Blackburn Rovers manager Sam Allardyce they travelled from Nice airport to Cannes. Even on day 1 Mike's gotten a little scorched with the sun and Cop has discovered...
  9. Booth

    Interview with Joe O'Byrne

    This is an interview with Joe O'Byrne about his role in Diary of a Bad Lad "Tommy Morghen". It's quite a good interview and well worth a watch. It was done quite a few years ago it's finally been put onto so you can stream it now. 4301827
  10. Booth

    PSF website in flux!

    As you may have noticed, the Pleased Sheep website has gone back in time. This is because I'm working with a professional web designer to completely redevelop the website so we've reverted to the old software to power the main site. This is because I've got a bit of reorganizing before the...
  11. Booth

    Bar Stewards - Darwen Tower Video Blog

    Last weekend we went up to Darwen Tower to film the last shots of a montage we've been working on for our in-production feature film Bar Stewards. It was absolutely freezing, raining and we were subjected to gale force winds. Between shots, we set the camera rolling to document the shoot.
  12. Booth

    I'm Frank Morgan by Joe O'Byrne tickets on sale now

    A shout out for a mate... From the writer of THE BENCH and LOOKIN' FOR LUCKY The original tale from PARADISE HEIGHTS revisited... Directed by IAN CURLEY Written & performed by Joe O'Byrne Frank’s a hard man in a dirty old town. A loan shark and poker player, he’s taken on some of the...
  13. Booth

    MxS Expresscard reader for Sony EX1

    This looks great as a cheap alternative to SxS cards for recording HD on the Sony EX1...!SD_CARDS&pid=2654.htm This means being able to use cheap SD cards to record full rez Sony EX1 XDCam footage. I just need to...
  14. Booth

    Bar Stewards - Cops Lost Video Blog

    This isn't Cop doing a web blog about the popular TV series Lost. It's actually a blog about the making of our feature film 'Bar Stewards' that got lost and has just been found on an old hard drive. So here it is, it dates back to February 2007. It's when he was a lowly production manager. You...
  15. Booth

    Bar Stewards... Out takes!

    I thought with missing Finchy Friday yet again we'd treat you to some more footage of the Bar Stewards in action. Except... It's not behind the scenes footage, it's actual footage from the movie... Well not quite. It's actually stuff from the cutting room floor. That's right people, some out...
  16. Booth

    Operation Trojan

    This is something I've been working on for the last month. Operation Trojan which has been made in association with The Safer Travel Unit and Lancashire Police Constabulary. It's purely for internal use, but I've been given the go-ahead to put it online. And it was to document the kind of...
  17. Booth

    Chris Finch Video Blog - "Hob Nobs"

    This was supposed to be going up yesterday evening as a FF but I lost my connection. Then when it came back it took about 30 minutes to upload then failed. So as it was about 1.30am I thought I'd wait till this afternoon! Enjoy.
  18. Booth

    Been working on the navigation

    Hi everyone. Had a spare ten minutes at work so... Fixed the media link up in the main menu. Created a drop down menu so that you can browse the Bar Stewards video's and the podcasts quickly. Same with blogs, you can now go straight to one of our blogs (main bloggers on the site are linked...
  19. Booth

    Live Topics

    A new addition to the site. Now, if several people are posting on a thread you shouldn't need to refresh the thread to see if there's a new post. It should just appear without a page refresh. The thread needs to be 'live' for this to happen. A post to the thread will make it live for a short...
  20. Booth

    Problems with logging in - here's what to do

    If you get his message when logging in: "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched." All you need to do when you get that message is click 'back' on your browser, then refresh your page. You should be logged in. This will be fixed at some point ;)