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  1. Cop

    Unusual Video Blog

  2. Cop

    John Hughes RIP

    That's so sad to hear. I really liked his movies, particularly Trains, Planes and Automobiles.
  3. Cop

    An Actors Life (Less Ordinary)

    It's a good little project, the two leads Phil Barrentini and Andy Jones carried the rough edit I watched. I went to college with Kris Scholes who is playing the presenter of the mockumentary and I worked with them all on a few meater scenes a few months ago. The directer, Stephen Rigg is very...
  4. Cop

    New Bill Idents

    Cider reminds me of being 14... just the smell of it makes me feel sick :)
  5. Cop

    New Bill Idents

    Hi John I saw your ident this week, it looked really good. I'll look out for you in the new WKD advert... Core Cider doesn't appeal to me though
  6. Cop

    An Actors Life (Less Ordinary)

    Some friends of mine where on BBC Radio Lancashire last night plugging their mockumentary which I've helped them out with recently. The film also features Jon Williams playing a cameo role. The interview starts around 21:40
  7. Cop

    John Beyer wants tighter UK censorship

    I wouldn't worry too much about 'them lot' they can kick and scream all they like - claiming that films like Antichrist shouldn't be displayed for public viewing. Like you say, the BBFC are getting more liberal with the classifications because it is proven that we can handle watching graphic...
  8. Cop

    Best crisps?

    They used to feature a young boy the front... not the best marketing campaign I have ever seen. Amazingly I can't find an image of them...
  9. Cop

    Best crisps?

    I used to badger the landlord of the pub I used to work in to sell Space Radiers, finally he gave in to my weekly requests and decided to sell them. And they sold like hot cakes. Particually in the club upstairs, we were naughty and sold them for 50p a bag rather than the RRP of 20p. Pubs...
  10. Cop

    Best crisps?

    The most moreish crisps of all time has to be the original Prawn Cocktail Skips... I could eat them all day...
  11. Cop

    Cuntys 'Iconic' Car Retires

    I'll use this thread to show my Chaviness... I've got my replacement, and already I have started my 'Pimping'. I have replaced the normal back lights with some black mirrored ones... :busted: Coming up, tinted widows, new headlights and sound system... Booyakasha :drive:
  12. Cop

    Cuntys 'Iconic' Car Retires

    I might put a post in the "Dead Thread" (:P) )'>
  13. Cop

    Cuntys 'Iconic' Car Retires

    OK, errr moving on Some of you may want to know that an integral prop in Bar Stewards has retired My Peugeot 306, which is to become an icon in the Independent British film circuit playing the role as "Cunty's Car" in Bar Stewards, along with cameo appearances in other projects has been...
  14. Cop

    Michael Jackson has died

  15. Cop

    Michael Jackson has died

    As for Wacko sitting up - that just looks like the way camera angle is, as both helicopters are flying.
  16. Cop

    Michael Jackson has died

    I don't understand their argument? How many people have you known suddenly die from heart problems, there are loads. How many time do we say, "I only saw them last week and they looked fine". If the reports are true that he was doing 10 hour days, pushing his body to the limit, popping...
  17. Cop

    Michael Jackson has died

    Nah, I've read the site, looks like they are grasping at straws - he's a gonner.
  18. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    So what's that for Strawbs?
  19. Cop

    Michael Jackson has died

    Dirty Diana is my favourite MJ track - it's brilliant
  20. Cop

    New Bill Idents

    That looks cool I don't watch The Bill, but when I do I always get glued to it. I often wonder why I don't find time in my TV schedule to watch it.