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  1. Cop

    Football Funnies

    For those who don't this guy... This is former England coach Steve McClaren who is now managing Dutch side FC Twente... He's been there just over a month or so... aCqE3jRlMfc&feature=related F8oN58cyp2c
  2. Cop

    Characters in Corrie

    Isn't Corrie ace, I do actually enjoy watching it, the characters are so so well written and I think its a funny show. But some of the characters are going a bit funny... Dev is turning in to Seinfelds Kramer (although now he is getting more airtime, that's wearing off)   Ken acts like Alan...
  3. Cop

    Back at the pub - video

    .¬) Dave, I have a this issue with drinking, I can have one pint, maybe two... but then it booze-fuelled weekend after that. So i need 3 days of being a pisshead. Overwise I am feel like I need a good cold pint... like I do now.
  4. Cop

    Back at the pub - video

    Sometimes the other cameras might be differently exposed, or blued up or whatever. So you alter the colours to match up again. For example, Mike footage looked a lot warmer than mine, but using the Color programe, I could easily fix them again The original is the bottom one
  5. Cop

    Back at the pub - video

    Yeah, I used Final Cut Studio Color (or Colour!! :mad: ) In basic terms after you have finished editing, you can alter the colours. I have to explain, that the colours might not have been as purple as in the original footage. If I have time next week I will try to find the raw footage and you...
  6. Cop

    Back at the pub - video

    We filmed it at The Ritz........... in Brighouse They are a band called Souled as Seen, the lead singer makes Fudge at the Fudge Factory who recently moved to bigger premises in Whitworth, Rossendale. They used to be on our industrial estate in Bacup, and since they left its never really been...