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  1. Cop

    Celebrity Big Brother 09

    As with the usual Celebrity Big Brothers, this has a good cast, best in years... especially with Coolio in there too. Might be worth watching
  2. Cop

    Celebrity Big Brother 09

    Some knob from A1 now...
  3. Cop

    Celebrity Big Brother 09

    Lucy Pinder, corr What are the chances of Mini Me giving her one 8-))
  4. Cop

    Celebrity Big Brother 09

    The token politician is in now, along with La Toya Jackon and Too Mutya to Eat, whatever her name is...
  5. Cop

    Celebrity Big Brother 09

    "Mini Me" is in the house, I might watch it this year...
  6. Cop

    Mind Meanders

    Is this Clive?
  7. Cop

    Merry Christmas from Pleased Sheep Films

    Guess what else I got for Christmas
  8. Cop

    Merry Christmas from Pleased Sheep Films

    Yes it is Mike.. it's Kath's really, but I sort of - not let her look at it. I've read that it seems to be the latest fad, but I never knew you could have them as pets... it's was only when my brother said they had one in the pet shop where his works. And when we went to buy some bedding for...
  9. Cop

    Merry Christmas from Pleased Sheep Films

    Why not? Its like a hamster, but really funny... If you give her the the tube from toilet roll, she sticks her head in and walks around... like this - fGfoJ-itN98 Shes mental!
  10. Cop

    Merry Christmas from Pleased Sheep Films

    Not my video, but one of these... .¬) SJcDmxhmTDQ
  11. Cop

    Merry Christmas from Pleased Sheep Films

    No, I have a hedgehog... seriously
  12. Cop

    Merry Christmas from Pleased Sheep Films

    I've got a hedgehog (:P) )'>
  13. Cop

    Forums are back - Members leave a note to show you're still alive here!

    I'm here too, but I'm still getting thrown off some pages and getting this message Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.   If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you...
  14. Cop

    Diary of a Bad Lad showing at Cornwall Film Festival 2007

    I stumbled across this... Not so Bad Lads   This is an old interview piece I did with a bunch of filmmaking types in Falmouth, hopefully it'l make you want to see a film and hopefully not want to kill me for robbing you of very precious time. Enjoy.     “It’ll f*ck with your head”. These...
  15. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    What film?
  16. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    He asked me if he could be credited as Deliveryman Dan, a couple of weeks ago for his CV... I don't know who updated the IMDb though, it wasn't me.
  17. Cop

    'Birty' appearance in Adidas commercial with Jose Mourinho

    Here is Messi... with the real Birty
  18. Cop

    Football Funnies

    Dave Maddison has text me, he reminds me to catch the bus next time.... sCM0tP19_pQ