Yes it is Mike.. it's Kath's really, but I sort of - not let her look at it.
I've read that it seems to be the latest fad, but I never knew you could have them as pets... it's was only when my brother said they had one in the pet shop where his works.
And when we went to buy some bedding for...
Why not? Its like a hamster, but really funny... If you give her the the tube from toilet roll, she sticks her head in and walks around... like this -
Shes mental!
I'm here too, but I'm still getting thrown off some pages and getting this message
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I stumbled across this...
Not so Bad Lads
This is an old interview piece I did with a bunch of filmmaking types in Falmouth, hopefully it'l make you want to see a film and hopefully not want to kill me for robbing you of very precious time. Enjoy.
“It’ll f*ck with your head”. These...
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