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  1. Cop

    800 Posts!

  2. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Nearly at 600! :cheezyWanks:
  3. Cop

    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    A lot of my mates don't get it either, I spend ages trying to get them to come along and be extras... Then I'll ask them what they did on the day I needed them, and they say they did nothing... They could have done nothing with us! :D We have 27 so far by the way, in realistic terms that's...
  4. Cop

    Anybody looking to support my team...

    I wish it could be mutual, but when we played you at Ewood on April Fools Day in 2001 I make a pre-match agreement with my Wovers supporting friend, whoever won, we don't take the piss out of eachother... as you will happily remember Burnley got stuffed 5-0, it was horrible... but to be fair, he...
  5. Cop

    Anybody looking to support my team...

    I agree with every word there Wiggy... even the Burnley bit, we are shit. Football isn't as good as it used to be, I'm glad that I experienced it just before it turned plastic
  6. Cop

    Anybody looking to support my team...

    I wish I could have my season ticket back too, rather than working there, at least I have the choice if I want to go or not... It's funny how over-rated team of tossers can spoil your whole weekend too. Before I got the job there, I would drive home slagging the players off but since working...
  7. Cop

    Anybody looking to support my team...

    Actually Michael, :-oP I think you will find that Burnley lowest ever attendance was 1,696 against Colchester United in 1986... the season we escaped The Conference. When I started going in 1991, we were averageing attendences of nearly 10,000 and that was in the Fourth Division (which we are...
  8. Cop

    Anybody looking to support my team...

    I am always sick of hearing all these modern day Rovers fans saying... "Well I used to support Rovers when we only had a couple of thousand at Ewood"... Yeah right! If that's the case, I must have met them all.
  9. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Don't worry everyone - the link is safe (:P) )'>
  10. Cop

    Anybody looking to support my team...

    Razo - you wont get much support on here, being a production company in Blackburn, the majority of them are Bastards. Only since 1995 though...
  11. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Yeah it was good program that. It was really sad to see people risking their health going back growing infected vegetables and fruit just to get by. It was a like a ghost town.
  12. Cop

    800 Posts!

    That's really sad... reminds me a bit of Morcambe. Gonna do a bit of a Karl Pilkington here, but I watched a documentary about what the Earth will be like 10,000 years after human existence. Its said that there will be no evidence of us because nature will run its course, only the The Pyramids...
  13. Cop

    800 Posts!

  14. Cop

    800 Posts!

    On there with the Burnley Supporters team... Mike and Wiggy wont be happy with that..
  15. Cop

    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    Nice one Darwen Don...spread the word:luv&worship:
  16. Cop

    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    Yep Friday 4th, tell your friends, same time, same place same costume. You will get a confirmation email from me tomorrow :)
  17. Cop

    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    Hi Danny Yes it was good to have you there :luv&worship: Are you joining us next week too?
  18. Cop

    Ricky Gervais appreciation

    H7rU7NqkDLU I think I was the only person who liked this show...
  19. Cop

    Beyond the call of duty

    I couldn't help but look... but I wasn't sure if I knew what I was looking at, and why... and did I like what I was looking at? :huh:
  20. Cop

    800 Posts!
