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  1. Cop

    Bar Stewards: A Completist's Guide (last updated 07/04/11: ADR pic added)

    What is is Joanna, I can't be arsed looking though it all :)C
  2. Cop

    The Bench

    Not a play go-er myself, but I had a great night, really enjoyed it, I thought the the performances where brilliant. Well done everyone! :-o)
  3. Cop

    The Darrener: That's a wrap

    Could I make something clear that the Hordens is NOT a wine bar...
  4. Cop

    The Bench

    Yeah I'll pick you up, and then Mike, not sure what time yet though, I'll text you both later
  5. Cop

    The Bench

    I wouldn't like to be the person sat behind him...
  6. Cop

    Doctor Who

    I liked it, OK Peter Kay as a green monster at the end was a bit daft, but I liked how Kay was playing a character rather than a token Northern guy. Also I prefer episodes where The Doctor, the Tardis and other "Who stuff" is an enigma, and I thought it was well written episode, a bit goofy at...
  7. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Sorry just trying something f*ck it... didn't work (:P) )'>
  8. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Go on then, while you are showing off your artistic talents... I'll show you what I have been working on, she's not finished yet though... she still looks a bit blotchy on the left, but you get the idea Before and After
  9. Cop

    Excitement about Cannes

    Have you got my facebook message?
  10. Cop

    The Bench

    Don't worry about the +1 with me... Just me if the other WAGs are not going....
  11. Cop

    Excitement about Cannes

    I'm all booked apart from flights, I think I might go early to just to sit in a chair and look at a wall for a few days before the festival
  12. Cop

    The Bench

    Yeah I'm still up for going, Ash is going out with her mum, So I am happy with just us 3
  13. Cop

    Booth your body to the Wiggy track

    Outrageous behaviour Wiggy... You are despicable! You have been hanging around that club owner for too long!
  14. Cop

    Booth your body to the Wiggy track

    Post your videos... and don't come back!
  15. Cop

    Booth your body to the Wiggy track

    Yeah Wiggy :mad:
  16. Cop

    Booth your body to the Wiggy track

    FUCKING BRILLIANT :luv&worship: :luv&worship: :luv&worship: :luv&worship: :luv&worship:
  17. Cop

    800 Posts!

  18. Cop

    The Bench

    I think I will be coming, just need to sort out a date... that's if WAGS are coming along that is
  19. Cop

    Doctor Who

    I was talking to Finchy about the Daleks... they are my favourite "Who" baddies. I would like to see a Torchwood episode where the Daleks attack Earth, killing innocent people, women and children with blood and gore... actually show how coldhearted they really are. I think that would be...
  20. Cop

    Doctor Who

    I'm with Chris on this one, it was a poor episode, but like I said comparing to previous series it should be good. The episode was weak but that's because writers want to build up the relationship between Donna and The Doctor. (I would rather just have him blowing things up... none of that soppy...