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  1. Cop

    Bar Stewards Director gets Simpsons role

    That was bad... when that car slowed down to see why we were fumbling around in the bushes, he soon sped off when we both gave him evil looks! I was amazed I found what we were looking for though! :) People are going to be thinking... what the hell are they on about?! :confused:
  2. Cop

    Bar Stewards Director gets Simpsons role

    who's this?
  3. Cop

    Cast Photo Shoot at Shooters Media

    A Wrestler friend of mine wants to audtion for a part in the film, so I thought I would post a picture of him so Michael can check him out. Does he look familier?
  4. Cop

    Pauls Pressie's!

    Its true... If one person doesn't behave on set, Mike kicks everybody... he lines us all up, and kicks us one by one in the shins... then makes us apologise, and if we do something really bad... such as, putting too many sugars in his tea, he goes for the nuts! :o :( There are very few...
  5. Cop

    Cast Photo Shoot at Shooters Media

    Its OK, you're forgiven, I'm off to Ash's house now, and I'm going introduce her to Neil Bell by making her watch Dead Man Shoes...
  6. Cop

    Pauls Pressie's!

    Its a clever wallpaper isn't it... with in-jokes... which only the cast and crew will understand, that will get Joanna itching for answers!! ;)
  7. Cop

    Transit Van Rquired for Shoot

    She's a dizzy woman! :D
  8. Cop

    Pauls Pressie's!

    Well done... have a biscuit.
  9. Cop

    Pauls Pressie's!

    Does anyone know which film its paying homage to?
  10. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Check out my new thread Pauls Pressie's
  11. Cop

    Pauls Pressie's!

    Here is a Pretty clever desktop wallpaper TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR THE NEXT PRESSIE!
  12. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    I'll see... You have to be nice to me though! For a change:mad: :D
  13. Cop

    Cast Photo Shoot at Shooters Media

    Your all big bullies - horrible and mean! :( :D
  14. Cop


    I'm her hero! :cool:
  15. Cop

    Cast Photo Shoot at Shooters Media

    I think Wiggy had got mistaken with this photo... I don't think a Bar Stewards cast member would do anything like this! :)
  16. Cop

    Cast Photo Shoot at Shooters Media

    Oh dear... These videos are not putting me in a great light are they... I'd better start behaving myself I think! :cool:
  17. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Ask Mike, it's his film... I just have too much time on my hands creating silly wallpapers :)
  18. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    OK Mike Here is the wallpaper as promised... Happy Halloween! Cop
  19. Cop

    Bar Stewards Director gets Simpsons role

    Is that me peeping behind the door? ;) Who dares to do Paul Gordon? I dont! :D
  20. Cop

    Bar Stewards Director gets Simpsons role

    Type in simpsonmaker in yahoo, and create your friends! Sorry Mike :D