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  1. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    You will be the first person who will actually work on the set! Normally we are having a laugh and slagging off Mike behind his back... opps:o :rolleyes: :cool: ;) It is good fun though, its worth getting sacked, just to get the chance to be on the set! :-o)
  2. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    I thought everybody was looking forward to Bar Stewards because of my involvement? :( Right then, I'm going to go out and find my own fans... so nerr! :huh:
  3. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    I'm going to email these pictures to his girlfriend! :o HA! that'll teach him! (:P) )'>
  4. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    That’s it... I'm going to become an actor! Not for international acclaim and respect like Robert DeNero or Jack Nicholson, not live in California, with sun, sea sand and a big house like Vinnie Jones, or to get involved with politics like Arnold Schwarzenegger... …but to fondle sexy C List...
  5. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    Just until now, I've finally understood what that means... I knew I had missed something there... I almost emailed Michael to ask what it was about, went right over my head! :confused: I remember Chris talking about the part, but I never new it actually with Gemma and a midget... :o But I...
  6. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    Devastated mate... devastated :( :cool:
  7. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    I would be quite happy to have a dwarf filming me... if I had the chance with Gemma... <B) I was working in a pub on New Years Eve in Haslingden, I should have baggised her then... then I could tell Chris to keep his slimey mits of my missers! :mad: I dont like Chris anymore... :G :cool:
  8. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    Was that Gemma Atkinson he was getting off with! :o Lucky git... :mad: she's got me through so many Sunday morning hangovers...:eyeroll: Chris, if your character Steve, is ever thinking of "doing" her again... give her one from me! :cool: :)C
  9. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    Ohh, bugger I've missed it! :( Is it repeated? I've always wanted to see Chris attempt to rape somebody... :D
  10. Cop

    PS Xbox Live - who's playing?

    NERD alert :D ;)
  11. Cop

    a couple of jokes to get u in the mood

    Here is the evidence, people from Yorkshire are not funny ;)
  12. Cop

    Unofficial Finchy Friday?

    Is this him too... if so what production is it? It's not BarStewards Are you sure its him?
  13. Cop

    Unofficial Finchy Friday?

    Is this the man himself? Can somebody please confirm? It does looks like Chris...
  14. Cop

    Cast Photo Shoot at Shooters Media

    :o Of course you can Joanna, I will be honoured... :) I've wrote my second blog now - I'm flying! ;) :D :cool:
  15. Cop

    Cast Photo Shoot at Shooters Media

    Whats the point of getting up on a Monday... if you know there is not going to be a Finchy Friday! If you had any sense you would postpose your holiday... so selfish Wiggy! Take a good long hard look at yourself... its a shame
  16. Cop

    In Bed With Paul Birtwistle

    Quality! :D Best one yet... :cool: but I don't think it was Birty prumping you know..... :rolleyes: I hope there something good for Finchy Friday's!
  17. Cop

    Chris Finch in SoapLife

    Its amazing being in the presence of Mr Finch when shooting Bar Stewards, I feel so special because I am now one of the few people who can actually speak to him on set, some of the inferior members of crew and cast are not even allowed to look at him between takes. But I don’t agree with how...
  18. Cop

    Looking forward to Bar Stewards? Sign here!

    I'm really looking forward to it, I helped shoot two great scenes this weekend... And I have not laughed so much in ages! Bring it on! :D EDIT - Cinema or Home Video? Any of the two, as long as I dont have to pay for the pleasure!! ;)
  19. Cop

    Chris Finch in SoapLife

    Speaking of SoapLife, check this video out, one of the scariest things I have seen in ages! <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed...
  20. Cop

    Chris Finch in SoapLife

    When is Chris' episode being transmitted?