Strawbs said:
Saying that, the day highlighted what a slog this film has been to make. Some people think making films is glamourous but it's all fighting against time constraints, location limitations, budget and people being difficult for the sake of it. How the crew haven't gone completely mad over the last 2 years with everything that's happened I'll never know.
Oh we have gone mad at times...
After I said goodbye to all the extras, I walked into the club, I think it was only Strawbs, curtainparloe, and the crew who were still in there. I remember asking if all the extras had gone... I then collapsed into a ball... screaming.
No, its not glamorous, but it totally baffles me how people can not be interested in what we are doing. Even if it's just to come up along to have a nosey, ask few questions or just to check up on progress... rather than snear.
I cant believe she didn't even pretend to be happy with us. Even when we were nice to her, being polite and friendly (like we genuinely are - all of us) she was still narky! I can't believe she can treat people like that?
I will explain more in my upcoming blog, but I hate people like her, I don't understand how she lives her life. Thing is, I know people who don't like me, and the feeling is mutual with them, but we still polite to each other, it's called respect and basic manners.
Anyway, it was good having you both up, and re-uniting me with an old college buddy too.