On the 'appearance' in that Kris scene, I imagine we see that so we can see that there really was something special between them. It's sort of like an instinctive 'appearance', as is her reaction. However, particularly going with the established tone/feel of the film, it still doesn't work for me. It is just feels off-kilter with what's gone before. I also felt both Kris's role and her marriage to Tom were underwritten, so, for me, that ensured any attempt at showing just what their marriage had meant to each of them couldn't really be successful.
On that other shot you didn't quite get, Mike, was it the one....gawd, how to say this without giving away the plot!!....where what's being looked down on blurs whilst the 'hand' stays in focus? That's not the scene immediately before the last Kris one, but it's not that much before it...and I'm not sure what other scene you could mean!
Anyway, the 'hand' is meant to be Tom's as he looks down at that 'moment'. It could of been that just before the blurred shot, Tom turns and looks down and then has some sort of leap forward in his mind of what is about happen. However, the DVD commentary rules that out. So, it seems to be the viewer being shown this 'moment' in advance, with the director using the movement of Tom's body towards the pavement as a link into the Tom we see in that same spot in the foreground shortly afterwards.
Think the, sort of, non-logical way in which it was done is why it's not clear-cut exactly what is meant in this scene. Might have worked better if we saw everything that happens in that scene in a logical sequence. So, then rather than having doubt in your mind over whether you've interpreted the scene correctly, you can concentrate on taking in the emotions from it instead. There's 'thinking' in a film that keeps you involved and then there's 'thinking' that draws you out from a film. I mean, the logical isn't always what's best for a film, but I think here it would have been the better option. Though, tbh, working with the tone of the film as a whole, I'm not sure it should of been done that way at all, with the 'moment' maybe just being seen by us and us alone. But then, what works for one person....
On This Is England, think I'm going to be able to see this on Sunday now!! Really looking forward to it, though I know it's a film I'm not going to 'enjoy' as such!
And on Radio 1 on Thursday (Edith Bowman's 1-4 pm show), Shane Meadows, Thomas Turgoose and Stephen Graham are on talking about TIS.
xx Joanna xx