Good evening to all you members and guests out there!
Hope you like this weeks finchy friday. we worked hard last week and i think you'll agree that the stills are stunning!
Sparky have you finished with your prop magazine yet? If so i wouldn't mind a read...not that i will be reading it mind!
Ash have you managed to tear yourself away from page 52 of soaplife yet? I know it will be tough but you have to try!!
Cop I hear GA may be dumping her footballer boyf because he isn't boy pisserish enough. I think you should get in there mate!!
Birty are you still sleeping in your cunty costume? i know it helps you get into character but as i always say "Dear boy, why don't you just act?"
Tim get well soon, we prefer you when you're well
Mike i need to discuss with you an idea i have about layton developing super powers, i think it could really work!!
Paul G lovin your work mate. i think you are wasted in feature films, have you ever considered stand up? oh and can you get more lights please!
Oh and one last thing! If any of you GUESTS are enjoying the site then please sign up and get in touch - we would love to hear from you! it also looks better when we have loads and loads of members!
i leave you all with this thought "take your time, think alot, think of everything you've got"