Birty said:
Brilliant. You've officially gone mental. All from one little amusing remark. Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I promise I didn't get Joanna to write that she hopes you feel better as a feed line for me to write a joke. Nor did I get Wiggy to post that video, I had no idea he was going to do that. You've thought about this far too much. Quality. I made a joke once about the nazi's, but then again I only made that to deflect from the fact that it was actually me who wanted to exterminate the Jews and I was upset that they got there first. Perhaps your right.
Oh and he's lying, we were in bed at the same time.
You tried but I wouldn't. Then in the morning Paul Gordon woke up with a damp and badly scratched leg.
Anyway, I wasn't the first to come under unwarranted piss-taking from you. Here's a case study...
Birty and Wiggy wind each other up about weight offline, it borders on vicious but remains playful. Then all of a sudden Birty in a blog reply attacks Cop, stating that he is fat, fat fatty fat fat distracting everyone from Birty's possible weight issue as highlighted by Wiggy.
Note that Wiggy followed up with a thread devoted to Birty's size in an attempt to get his own back.
I won't go into where Wiggy's big thumb came from, and if I remember correctly it was you who first called PG Rain Man (though that one's true I can't deny).
Then I get the OCD dig, which I knew was coming because I saw you testing the material when we were shooting over the past few months. And you're one of the fussiest gits I know
You find something and totally exaggerate it to the nth degree, and use it to your advantage. Just like a corrupt politician. You claim that it's banter, but you're a spinner Twistle!