Yeah, Mr Winky.

Very misunderstood is Winky. Him and Mike are good friends actually, but Mike has never entirely got the hang of his sense of humour, which has sometimes caused a little bit of confusion in the past.
Wonder where Winky is right now, and what he's doing?

Ah, I really miss 'him'. Maybe if we all call out to him, it might lure him back.
Anyway, here is an 'artistic representation' of Mr Winky. I'm sure you'll recognise him from this......
*wink smiley*
xx Joanna xx
PS: Actually, Paul, Mr Winky is so well known on these boards, that for you to claim ignorance on who 'he' is.....Oi, Coppack, what have you done with Mr Winky? Come on, where are you hiding him? Tell me right this instant! *mad smilies x 100*