Videos? There's no intelligence there at all. That's what you get when you're up against 2 people with a combined age of 30...and one of them's 25.
Okay then one more, then I promise I'll let you have the last laugh. Honestly you're such a's probably the company you keep.
Okay folks it's only fair that I should point out that the video wasn't me, (not the last video shown...that was me working out before nap-time. I thought I looked great). The video of the kid screaming wasn't me. Most of you will be thinking that Cop, in trying to be amusing went onto google or you tube and typed in, 'whiny fat kid screaming', or 'little fat bastard', or even 'Birty working out', and if you were dealing with most people then you'd be right.
Only you aren' really aren't. That video is one of hundreds that Cop has stored on his computer of young fat boys, or in most cases young fat naked boys in various mental states. It's a shame really as not 5 months ago the local authorities seized hold of his hard drive in a crackdown they were calling 'operation evil child sex attackers'. They told him that he was on his last warning. I guess some people just can't be helped.
Cop, I'm not happy you were spying on me whilst in a state of got the wrong window, my son's is round the back. Try it and I'll call the police. Come to think of it he goes all quiet and withdraws into himself whenever you come and pick me up, I've just never put 2 and 2 together.
Does anyone have any crisp?