Revenge of the Sith Trailer & movie opinions


Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
Just seen it WOW! And like you said Boits, this is Palpatines movie and doesn't Ian McDiarmid know it! Looks to be a fantastic performance. I watched the trailer and the watched it three more times. Gonna watch it again after I post this.

Mace Windu walking in: "You are under arrest."

"Are you threatening me Master Windu?"

Then Palpatine hovering towards them saber in hand. That and Yoda fighting Sidious - the clone troopers looking more like Stormtroopers (and being led by Anakin) - Hayden Christiansen looking like he's putting in a far more worthy performance - the slaughter of the Jedi and Trade Federation.

I'm excited about a movie, besides my own, at last!

Roll on May - or when are us Brits gonna get to see it?


Gentleman Actor
Cast & Crew
It looks fucking fantastic. Easlily the best trailer of all the prequal trailers. There is so much in this movie.

Anakin vs Dooku

Mace vs Palpatine/Sidious

Sidious vs Yoda

Obi Wan vs Grevious

Obi Wan vs Anakin.

You have all this as well as the Jedi Purges. Even Anakin looked great with the army of Clone Troopers on his way to kill the Jedi Younglings. The mean Bastard.

Savour the moment matey as this is the last one.

"You Were the chosen one"



Albino Joe

Paradise Heights
Cast & Crew
Hi Guys

This F***ing rocks! Maybe this will even top EMPIRE? Still the greatest STAR WARS MOVIE of them all. It looks moody as F***, Christensen looks like he's found his feet, McDiarmid at his darkest Shakespearian best - pure intoxicating evil oozing from every expression and pore. I've watched the trailer about ten times and even showed it to my TV Acting class this morning.

I'm dizzy already, just can't wait...



Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
So what do you all think of Sith now you've seen it.

I thought it had some fantastic scenes, and generally was alright. Can't stop thinking about some of it, and watched A New Hope the other day and it makes you watch it in a different way.

It was let down by some ropey acting here and there, as well as bits of bad dialogue. However I thought the dialogue between Anakin and Palpatine, in-which Palpatine talks about Sith Lord Plageus, was absolutely fantastic and up there with the OT. I also liked Yoda dropping two royal guards before they could even move.

Thoughts from anyone else?


Gentleman Actor
Cast & Crew
I thought it was grand. I didn't know what to say when I came out of the flicks. There was just too much going on in the film. He addressed all that needed to be and tied it up nicely. I particularly liked the Tantive IV scenes, nice to see that baby again.

Sidious was great, some lovely fight scenes, (although the three jedi who helped Mace confront Sidious, who if my son is to be remembered rightly included the mighty Kit Fisto, were absolutely awful. They were a disgrace to the jedi order and should have recieved posthumous dishonourable discharges). I was also, surprisingly, rooting for Anakin the whole time and found myself willing him to make the right decisions.

All in all a good Star Wars feels good saying that again doesn't it.

Oh and Yoda would have pasted Sidious had he not lost his lightsabre and fallen down that giant hole........bastard.


Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
So when you met Rick McCallum in Cannes and he told you that you would like it, he was right then :cool:

If only we'd gotten a photo of you meeting him :rolleyes:

5 glorious golden cups

Hayden Thingysen just can't act I'm afraid, no wonder he burnt so quickly at the end......

Not content with soiling the memory of the first three classics with these mediocre efforts, he's actually changed the originals permanently with loads of unnecessary "extra" scenes that his co-editors did well to ditch the first time.....

Lucas has turned to the dark greedy side of the force I'm afraid.


Chief Bar Steward
Cast & Crew
5 glorious golden cups said:
Hayden Thingysen just can't act I'm afraid, no wonder he burnt so quickly at the end......
There was a rumour that Christian Bale was going to be playing Anakin too. Makes you wonder how much better it could have been with someone of his quality playing the part.

I don't think Hayden Christiansen is a bad actor, I just don't feel he breathed life into young Darth Vader like he should have. The darkness of the character was there in the writing, and the execution (pardon the pun) but wasn't there in the performance. Of course he got the angst in there - but with it being mostly teen-angst, he just comes across like a whiney kid. Some people thought this of Mark Hamill in the original trilogy, but Hamill gave it a lot more than teen angst and throwing hissy fits.

And it's not Christiansen's fault that Vader does the big 'NOOOOOOOO!' when he finds out about Padme's fate. Quite a lot of the audience laughed at that point... So cliched.