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Joe emailed this to his mailing list today.

If you can get down there please do so, these guys always put on a very good showJoe O said:Hi everyone
I hope you are all well...
I want something. Something beginning with A.
I’ve spent the last few weeks working with 6 hungry actors who have worked their socks off for me' date=' pushing themselves to psychological extremes to get to places that the writing demands them to not just visit, but stay for a while. The levels of performance reached in rehearsal have been astounding, exhilerating and exhausting. This play although billed as a comedy - tackles some darkly serious issues and emotions are pushed to highs and extreme lows - enormously exhausting for the cast but I have seen such a tireless dedication from them, and they are all tackling serious issues of their own outside the play that are putting them under enormous pressure.
Now most of us (myself included) have the love and support of partners that understand our ’condition’ and are tirelessly supportive and full of encouragement, that said as a group we are juggling the enormous distresses of break ups with long term partners, illness, serious financial problems, bailiffs knocking on our doors, families that don’t understand why we put themselves through so much for so little - if any - financial reward, (some working 12 hour days on minimum wage before they get to rehearsal) going through casting process for great opportunities outside the play and then dealing with the crushing disappointment of hearing after the third call back that - sorry you’re not what we’re looking for. Why do they put themselves through all this - it ain’t for the money - it comes from a need to express, to feel and to share.
The problems mentioned above apply to all of us in all walks of life, we all have our own wars, worries and woes to deal with and I ain’t askin’ for sympathy - am I f*ck - this is the life we choose so you grow the thick skin required to take the knocks. Besides, I’d be lying if I said we haven’t enjoyed the process.
We’ve got 7 days to go and the cast and I have all the worries associated with bringing a new show to an audience, that’s natural and healthy, it means we care about the work and that will show in the performances.
My biggest worry? AUDIENCE - these guys need an audience. I can promise you quite an extraordinary show, not just a show but an experience and something that you will remember and maybe take with you, if nothing else if you ever sit on a park bench again I guarantee you will think about this play...so come down and share a couple of hours with us, you’ll be very glad you did and you will be the reward for the enormous efforts of this extremely talented cast.
Wed 9th, Thurs 10th, Friday 11th and Sat 12th April at 8.00pm, Studio Salford, The Kings Arms, Bloom Street Salford. Book online at -