I'll try to keep this short, but would like to make a few things clear.
I sent a personal message to Wiggy in answer to his post suggesting that he believed that no-one was commenting on his vid because he thought we may be disgruntled that he'd made fun of Chris.
I wasn't even going to mention the vid until I read his post.
I sent my pm because:-
Firstly, I didn't want him to think I was so lacking a sense of humour I would object to someone playing a prank on Chris. and
Secondly, since he was obviously a bit disappointed that few people had commented on it, I wanted to assure him that I appreciate everything he does for us and love his vids, but hadn't felt I could comment on this one, because I wasn't sure whether some of my friends would appreciate the 'joke' or not and decided I would say nothing.
That was it. No demands to have it removed. No accusations that it was homophobic, just an apology for not feeling able to comment on it on the thread.
I wrote the pm because I wanted to show appreciation to Wiggy so he didn't think he'd gone to all that trouble for nothing, and, explain a wish not to hurt any of my friends that may have been offended, if I appeared to condone it.
I try to think very carefully before I post anything that could hurt anyone's feelings, if there's a chance I might upset someone, when they have an opinion different to mine, I try hard not to get sarcastic and personal to make my point. Obviously not everyone lives by the same code of conduct.
I didn't ask for the vid to be removed, that was Wiggy's decision. So, I'm sorry this has been turned into some big debate about censorship - and I'm sorry the contents of what was a personal message have suddenly become so public, with everyone jumping to the conclusion that "she" has got on her high horse and demanded the vid be removed. So before anyone else jumps on the band wagon, that isn't what happened.