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  1. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Welcome madeyethelost Here you go :)
  2. Cop

    800 Posts!

    It arrived this morning Dave And yes, I do that album somewhere ;-)
  3. Cop

    800 Posts!

    You cant double post Dave... that's cheating, one at a time :-o) For example, you cant post 729 and the 730... you have to wait until somebody else posts after you Repeated posts get merged by Michael :bambam:
  4. Cop

    800 Posts!

    I think it will mean more to other people if they got it... I have kept away from the other Mile Stones... so I am not that fussed... Besides it makes it more exiting I think... I love the avatar by the way :-oP
  5. Cop

    800 Posts!

    No No No, I want to see the Mile Stone Four go for it... a bit like the Premiership title... and like football, 800 posts is a cruel game and somebody needs to win it... Its like Cyber Gladiators on the The Eliminator... who is going to cross the line... I'll tell you what, as thread creator, I...
  6. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Hi Dave, I'll get back to you tomorrow, :) I am somewhat Dead at the moment :dIZZy:
  7. Cop

    800 Posts!

    From Mikes Blog - "Cop says he's never going to do this again - next time we'll have full funding. The undertaking for this kind of thing is huge." Again? I have lost count about the amount of time I have felt like walking away from this one... never mind doing another one :)C :)C :)C
  8. Cop

    800 Posts!

    I agree with Strawbs... I would like to see the 4 Milestone winners battle it out for 800 personally. I think she secretly has an eye on 800 herself...
  9. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Sweet, I'll try my best :) I'd like to see a winner between JOANNA, STRAWBS and TIM personally, or can LOVELYLAURA make it all square? JOANNA Nicks 700 100 Strawbs 200 Joanna 300 Tim 400 Tim 500 Strawbs 600 Lovely Laura 700 Joanna Who Posted? Total Posts: 702 Cop 188...
  10. Cop

    Valerie's Orchard

    The NEW Valerie's Orchard website can be found here, it gives you details about the films progress and other information such as the "The Valerie Tree Planting Project" Check it out
  11. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Pinched from Razo on ClaretsMad, - this is a clip from Sky News, who does the guy in the interview remind you of? dmh7ipW47Uo&NR=1
  12. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Thats you, me and Razo now... Wiggy was right, this forum is turning Claret and Blue (and with Strawbs being a Hammers fan) :luv&worship: Mossman - excellent Spanking by the way!
  13. Cop

    800 Posts!

    879 posts... .¬) Right, before we get to the end... why don't we talk about our home towns, such as brief history, interesting facts... I have got inspiration from Dave talking about Morecambe, I used to love that place, I forgot about that Polo Mint tower.. tell us more Dave Fran tell us...
  14. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Dave see above for pictures... you can also quote people by pressing the QUOTE button under the thread you wish to refer too. .¬)
  15. Cop

    Chris Finch Breaking The Moves....

  16. Cop

    800 Posts!

    Excellent stuff, Dave. I wouldn't call it break dancing, more like wriggling about on the floor like a mad man... my skills were OK though! :-oP ;-)
  17. Cop

    Birty banned from Great Harwood Pool

    It'll be more like a total eclipse (:P) )'>
  18. Cop

    Breaking News/Hot Off The Press

    Ha ha excellent... if you can't find anywhere to park.. blame Tim! I'm going off his word here... parking is free in Darwen apparently
  19. Cop

    Breaking News/Hot Off The Press

    Me and me mate have a saying... "As long as they keep their wig on" :)C
  20. Cop

    800 Posts!
