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  1. Cop

    Breaking News/Hot Off The Press

    He is trying to make Wiggy jealous... She will be used as no more than a rebound...
  2. Cop

    Breaking News/Hot Off The Press

    Still good for us though For those who don't know what we are talking about BAR STEWARDS MOVIE – EXTRAS NEEDED THIS SATURDAY Hi all, The Bar Stewards crew are filming the final part of the nightclub scene this Saturday (19th April), this time at the Roxy Nightclub in Darwen. Extras are asked...
  3. Cop

    Breaking News/Hot Off The Press

    Hi Dave, don't worry about it mate, it would be great if you could come up anyway, we need as many people as possible, I thought it would better on a weekend, but its proven to be the opposite really :G We'll work something out, we always do :)
  4. Cop

    Birty banned from Great Harwood Pool

    Nah, they are all tossers... and I will say it their faces.... tossers Are you joining us at the Roxie Nightclub in Darwen - tomorrow, 12pm Very desperate for extras now...
  5. Cop

    Birty banned from Great Harwood Pool

    Also, with his long hair and man boobs, he has been trying to con his way into the ladies changing rooms... :luv&worship:
  6. Cop

    Doctor Who

    I watched it on BBC iplayer last night, it was a belting episode Yes I spotted "Dave Clifton" too (:P) )'>
  7. Cop

    happy birthday

    Excellent... cheers Dave Happy Birthday Laura! :-p
  8. Cop

    happy birthday

    You said too much before you got to feeding mate :D
  9. Cop

    800 Posts!

    What am I doing watching Premiership Football on a Thursday?! In fact, what the f*ck am I doing watching Everton!? :)C GOAL - Everton 0 -1 Chelsea... first shot on target :(
  10. Cop

    happy birthday

    No worries Dave I found that people are at work too... I want our next film to be a CGI animation... life would be so much easier :)C By the way check out 800 posts thread :)
  11. Cop

    happy birthday

    :)C :)C :)C:)C:)C :luv&worship: I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show with this one... pass me the Pop Corn... Not for you though Birty, you should be on a diet, and Booth just before you dig in, just letting you know - I didn't was my hands...
  12. Cop

    happy birthday

    Hi Dave Laurie, we are still struggling for Saturday by the way, not many bodies have confirmed, it would be smashing if you could bring a car full again :)
  13. Cop

    happy birthday

    I'm sorry what? Eh? (:P) )'> Don't bring Alistair Campbell into it... us Clarets stick together you know... and I know I called Tony Livesey scruffy and everything but... I would leave the country if Birty became a politician... I dread to think what he would laws he would concoct with his...
  14. Cop

    happy birthday

    It wasn't on purpose, it was the natural thing to do, instead of coughing down the speaker of the phone, I turned away (forgetting I was in a lift) and Mike was there in my face, by that time it was too late... .¬)
  15. Cop

    happy birthday

    I don't know where it went... One of my funniest (you had to be there) Booth moments was when we were at Sumners... I was on the phone to you Birty as Mike and I entered a lift, maybe Wiggy was in there too. The lifts are tiny, and while we were going up I needed to clear my throat, so I...
  16. Cop

    happy birthday

    Ha ha, its a vicious circle! :D Brilliant (:P) )'>( :P )
  17. Cop

    happy birthday

  18. Cop

    800 Posts!

  19. Cop

    Bar Stewards: A Completist's Guide (last updated 07/04/11: ADR pic added)

    I'm only pulling your leg Joanna :)C :-oP Good job as usual
  20. Cop

    Bar Stewards: A Completist's Guide (last updated 07/04/11: ADR pic added)

    That's just lazy Joanna :)C