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  1. Cop

    Chris Finch in Waterloo Road

    What I have always found odd about seeing Chris on TV, is that always look taller, and he doesn't look like Layton or Chris Finch... I've never really seen this with the other actors I have met. Maybe it's that Chris is a good actor?
  2. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Boooo I have seen them already :G :-o)
  3. Cop

    Chris Finch in Waterloo Road

    Chris and I discussed this episode a few weeks ago on set, although I take the piss out the programme - I still think it utter gash ;-) , I'll never knock the performances because I think they have been consistently good in this series, I really think that too, not just because Chris is in it...
  4. Cop

    Grange Hill Axed

    End of an era, I never watched it anyway... :cool:but when I did I always enjoyed it... I'm like that now with The Bill, I don't actively watch it, but when I do I'm always glued... 8o()shit, have I just that out loud:Z8-)) :-o)
  5. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Yeah, but that was to be expected, but nobody trashed the place or shed blood... I was waiting for a major bust up between some of us :)C
  6. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Its true, we filmed from about 10am - 10pm on Saturday and then from 10am - 7.30am on Sunday, I was absolutely jiggered. I made the point giving a little cheer when I saw the first people to arrive to work on the industrial estate where we were filming. That was confirmation that we had filmed...
  7. Cop

    Bar Stewards: A Completist's Guide (last updated 07/04/11: ADR pic added)

    Just bumping to the top... excellent work there Joanna :-o)
  8. Cop

    jesus christ birty

    I'm just settling down to watch the Super Bowl... that’s the American Football competition Birty, and not a huge dish to put your crisps in. I think I will go with the New England Patriots, because they have England in their name and Peter Griffin supports them. .¬)
  9. Cop

    jesus christ birty

    Birty is off to bed everyone... but he wants to prove that he does excercise before he goes to sleep! G7hTVVpli4g
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    jesus christ birty

  11. Cop

    jesus christ birty

    Ahhhh, the old "No means yes and yes means no game"... you can't go wrong with that one... Especially when they ask if you want to go Supersize at McDonalds Drive Thu, eh Birty? .¬)
  12. Cop

    jesus christ birty

    Birty, be confident. Stand tall and walk proud. Your weight does not define who you are as a person and it is clear that some people don't have the first clue on getting to know you in person. You know you're a valuable person; just because other people dont know it, it does not diminish your...
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    jesus christ birty

  14. Cop

    jesus christ birty

    f*ck off Birty! Get back to your tank, Shamu is beginning to wonder where you are!
  15. Cop

    jesus christ birty

    Nothing tight about poking fun at a little poker... Janice! it hurts, it hurts, it hurts :)C :)C :)C
  16. Cop

    Meet Matt Jerrams - Producer of Robert Kurtzman's The Rage

    :)C No, its just that the owners were obviously very embarrassed about it, and I would just like to put it on record that everything was sorted out, and everyone lived happily ever after :-o)
  17. Cop

    Meet Matt Jerrams - Producer of Robert Kurtzman's The Rage

    In regards to Matt’s comments in the clip about nearly getting bummed in his hotel during the night, the "issue" was sorted out after my stern phone call to the manager who was absolutely shocked and sincerely apologised for the behaviour of the creepy guest. The culprit was subsequently told to...
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    I've voted too Spread the word!
  19. Cop

    Meet Matt Jerrams - Producer of Robert Kurtzman's The Rage

    It's actually Mark Wahlberg's cock from the movie "Boogie Nights"
  20. Cop

    Football Funnies

    I was there when this happened, certainly the funniest thing I have seen at a Football Ground. f8Q617wauGM