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  1. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

  2. Cop

    Clips of the Year 07

    It is Bernard Nagle, he is regular supporting artist in Shameless Well done Joanna :-o)
  3. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Clive looks awsome in this. When you meet him, he is very politle, smiley and easy going. Then he goes into charactor, and he looks like a vicious fucker! :Z Looking forward to the new scene in the new year
  4. Cop

    Frank Gallagher's Alternative Christmas Message

    I beat you to it Michael! :)C By 2 mins! See the Clips of the Year thread .¬)
  5. Cop

    Clips of the Year 07

    We learned today that the Shameless Christmas Message has been pulled by Channel 4 for being to offensive. Gutted! But worry not, it can found here on You Tube, well worth a look Enjoy Jx3Zdl_V3zo Can anyone spot the Bar Stewards star in this clip?
  6. Cop

    Look at Joanna go!

    Look at Joanna go!
  7. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    It wasn't giggling, it was belly laughing, I felt dizzy watching it
  8. Cop

    It's Claret and Blue I tell you!

    It's Claret and Blue I tell you!
  9. Cop

    No way you spastic, your a mentalist!

    No way you spastic, your a mentalist!
  10. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Just remembered that shoot with Chris and Birty, (the dark one of Chris screaming)... I have never never laughed so hard doing a scene, we had headaches... :-o)
  11. Cop

    Credit Shrinking

    ha, very clever :P
  12. Cop

    Credit Shrinking

    I think Joanna needs a hug :)C
  13. Cop

    Chris Finch in Waterloo Road

    Your not missing much to be honest Strawbs. This weeks episode was about the teachers showing some VIPs around the school, for some reason the dumbass teachers (who thier collegues by there first name in front of the pupils for some reason?) decided to show the school production before it was...
  14. Cop

    Chris Finch in Waterloo Road

    There is more hype of Waterloo Road: Episode -15 than there was for the new Star Wars: Episode I :)C I noticed that Chris stuff looked to have been film seperatly to everything else... maybe Chris can confirm what was happening there... maybe there was a schedule conflict with a more important...
  15. Cop

    Can We Have Our Blimp Back, Please?

    :)C :)C :)C:)C This story cracks me up, as does needless vandalism sometimes, and this is a good one. Its the "Can We Have Our Blimp Back, Please" title that makes it funny! Up The Clarets... :Z
  16. Cop

    Can We Have Our Blimp Back, Please?

    Can We Have Our Blimp Back, Please? Burnley Football Club yesterday launched their latest pre-match attraction then watched as vandals sent their matchday blimp soaring away into the Lancashire skies! The Clarets had intended to raise the brand new blimp so it could be seen for miles around to...
  17. Cop

    Crime Scene Wild

    Maybe he dreamed it... Chris, are you sure you not getting mixed up with dreams and reality again? :eyeroll:
  18. Cop

    Crime Scene Wild

    So when is this show on then?
  19. Cop

    Chris Finch in Waterloo Road

    What episode are we on now? I watched the one last week about the dead baby in the grounds, but I went off it when that annoying Headteacher resigned, he did my head in him! The kids created banners and tried to convince him stay... I needed a sick bucket :)C But in a guilty way, I like the...
  20. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Chris looks like Hiter!