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  1. Cop


    Thats right Joanna, Nick sent me an email, get voting everyone .¬)
  2. Cop

    Crime Scene Wild

    What are you afraid of? .¬)
  3. Cop

    Football Funnies

    Its funny cos its true -GnCJZybSNw&feature=related
  4. Cop

    Chris Finch in Waterloo Road

    "Matt panics when his mother, Susan, announces she is arriving at his flat, and hurriedly removes all traces of Colin, as the school drama continues." It looks like people are embarrassed to be seen with Chris in TV land too .¬) 8-))
  5. Cop

    Football Funnies

    Looks like its not going to be very interesting 4th round for you now( :P )
  6. Cop

    Football Funnies

    Going off topic slightly I thought you might like this one too Mike It the last day of the Premiership season, Carlos Tevez scores against Manchester United to keep West Ham up, and in the other crunch match former Sheffield United defender David Unsworth scores against his former club for...
  7. Cop

    Blu Ray vs HD-DVD

    It seems that one famous politician is not happy the downfall of HD-DVD :Z ywWfmRdOmJ0
  8. Cop

    Clips of the Year 07

    This clip really shows how music can improve a scene, composed by John Williams, I think this is just fanstastic mxJi-si5FRY
  9. Cop

    Happy New Year!

    Hey LL Good to see you back, haven't seen you for a while... Missed ya in a way! .¬)
  10. Cop

    The One and Only

    Can anyone defend this show? I am going to be brutely honest, I think this just utter shite. Nothing against the acts, they are all very good, but only in working men clubs. Just very cringe-worthy television. But what I think what the show prooves how much better the professionals are to these...
  11. Cop

    Chris Finch in Waterloo Road

    I was saying "as if, as if, as if" then I rolled over laughter when that poncy drama teacher got hit with the chair by that prisioner! Then I was muttering "as if, as if, as if" again, especially when I found out it was Waterloo Schools version of Beadle's About That programme is guilty...
  12. Cop

    Blu Ray vs HD-DVD

    I think, if they go with both formats, they will eventually phase out HD-DVD and go exclusively with Blue Ray. As it seems that they would shift more Blue Ray titles as thats what the public will be buying more of and more Studio are settling with. But you never know That was Bar Stewards...
  13. Cop

    Blu Ray vs HD-DVD

    No it wont, I think it will be a PlayStation 6 the at the moment! :eyeroll: In our household we are on Blue Ray becuase of the PS3, It will be interesting to see what Universal and Paramount do, but it certainly looks like Blue Ray has won the "VHS v Betamax" battle at the moment.
  14. Cop


    Hi Guys Could you vote for one of my mates films he submitted for the BAFTA 60 seconds of Fame? The BAFTA 60 Seconds of Fame invited aspiring film makers to submit a 60 second short film around the theme of 'unite'. The winning film will be featured during the BBC One coverage of the Orange...
  15. Cop

    Golden Compass

    She popped :G
  16. Cop

    Golden Compass

    Just seen "The Golden Compass" at the cinemas, it was a toss up between that and "I am Legend" but the lass I went with had already seen it, so we chose a movie which I assumed stared Daniel Craig and Nicole Kidman... They are in it, but hardly. Like most fuckwits, I haven’t read the book, and...
  17. Cop

    Happy New Year!

    And next year, and maybe the year after that... and that.... :eyeroll:
  18. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    That first picture looks like Shamu coming up for air!