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  1. Cop

    And Did Those Feet (starring Chris Finch)

    Gutted that I couldn't make the performance, i was hoping to see it, but I got caught up in London, then I was let let down by a mate when I was back, and then it was sell out for yesterday and tonight, not even the great Chris Finch could score tickets for me. Sounds like it been a huge hit...
  2. Cop

    Diary of a Bad Lad showing at Cornwall Film Festival 2007

    I'm up for going, sure
  3. Cop

    Credit Shrinking

    Here is a reply from BBC regarding Credit Shrinking "Thank you for your e-mail. We are improving the way that we inform viewers about what content is available across BBC channels/network. This could be additional material associated with the programme that viewers have just watched or...
  4. Cop

    Credit Shrinking

    I used to always look out for Chas Watts, as one of my bestest mates in Primary School was called Chas, and another mate who had the surname Watts... and I still look for his name today... :-o) I cant stand fast credits either... American TV Shows are the worst for that *Actually, the more I...
  5. Cop

    Credit Shrinking

    "From now on they're going to cram the credits into a teeny box and fill the rest of your screen with squawking exhortations to stay tuned for Judge John Pissing Deed. Every. Single. Time." Charlie Brooker Saturday May 12, 2007 The Guardian Pay attention. You're going to read this. Sit up...
  6. Cop

    Chris Finch in Waterloo Road

    Didn't want to take anything away from Chris' Waterloo thread so I have started a new one here
  7. Cop

    Credit Shrinking

    I thought those deserved a post of its own... I need to rant I'm glad Charlie Brooker brought it up... its a pet hate of mine. Whats the point in having them credits if you cant read them, and spending money on composers and musicians if your going to have some bloke trying to sell you the...
  8. Cop

    Chris Finch in Waterloo Road

    Yes... BOOOOO with the Credit squeezing... get rid now BBC! But onto Chris, I thought its was a poor performance, the way he drove the car wasn't too convincing either, I hope he improves in future episodes :) :huh: ;-) 8-)) :Z ( :P ) 8o() :G :P :dIZZy: ;) :-o) :rOlL: :eyeroll: :)C :o...
  9. Cop

    Happy Birthday Joanna!

    Happy Birthday Joanna...
  10. Cop

    And Did Those Feet (starring Chris Finch)

    I know somebody will certainly not be wearing a Blackburn kit... :cool: By the way, I was on the verge of getting thrown out of a London boozer last night with Fiona, from the staight8 crew for chanting Burnley songs... :dIZZy: :rOlL: 8-)) Seeing Chris' new play will be on the agenda for...
  11. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Chim chiminy, Chim chiminy, Chim chim charoo, I am a Storm Trooper in Claret & Blue!
  12. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    This is an example of what green screen can be used for...
  13. Cop

    All Work and Some Play

    Cool vid
  14. Cop

    Bar stewards myspace

    Filming outside also started a new craze within the Bar Stewards crew... farting! Even Finch was getting in on the act, he was even claiming some of Birtys trumps as the night went on.
  15. Cop

    Happy Birthday Michael

    It's Michaels Birthday today, I'll leave it up to him to tell you how old he is.... Wishing him the best, have a good day you slaaaaag!
  16. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Looks like its a fast car... trust me its not, it very noisy, smelly and owner is dangerous behind the wheel... apprantly
  17. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    She was a good actress She made me laugh at one of her bloopers. Just before a take, she was talking to Louise about her socialology course. In the scene her character, MINDY, was supposed to ask ANNE-MARIE about her "how was she was getting on with running the pub". But when it came to to...
  18. Cop

    Bar Stewards "Car Blog"

    I love that Chavvy moment with the guy on the bike