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  1. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    So The scores after question 19 LEGOLASG 18 JOANNA 17 LOVELY LAURA 26 Well done Laura you have won the game... can we find out who is coming 2nd...........
  2. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    IN fact LG, I'll take you point aswell! Here you go Laura All Fair now Laura 2 LG 1 Jo 0
  3. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz? Give me that point back Joanna!! Here you go Laura
  4. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    Did you edit your post LL? I'm giving the point to Joanna. Was it Ben Miller by the way? If it was I might give you the point instead Laura
  5. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    LegolasG's got it well done for that answer you have won a picture of a cow eating some snails... anyone for the point?
  6. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    I noticed jo! (:P) )'>
  7. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    19. Can you name the double act used in the campaign for ITV Digital? This is only worth 1 point...
  8. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    Question 19 coming Up
  9. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    It was the the very unclassy Monk... I love Monk... always miss it though God this is getting Tight! CURRENT SCORES LG17 JO17 LL21