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  1. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    ok, get ready to shuffle the words around 4. Anagram – Hollywood actor - Native Noddy
  2. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    See what did I tell you Strawbs! scores SB2 CD2 LG1 JO4 ANAGRAM COMING UP!
  3. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Dont worry Strawbs, get in with this one you will be back in it... thats the beauty of PPQ QUESTION 3 3. Who is comedian opposite Ian Hislop in Have I Got News For You?
  4. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Legolas G is off the mark but that pesky Joanna gets in there first... is a dog eat dog world... not saying your dogs or anything.... :o SCORES SB0 CD2 LG1 JO3 QUESTION 3 COMING UP
  5. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Question 2 2. The character Alan Isaacman can be found in which 1996 film
  6. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Just missed out there SB, and his name is James... unlucky well done Camp David Joanna get a point too scores SB0 CD2 LG0 JO1 Question 2 coming up...
  7. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Easy one to start off with 1. Who Directed Titanic in 1997? easy
  8. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    OK then Question 1 of 10 coming up... welcome Joanna... It looks like Lovely Lura is going to lose her crown... but it never to late to join in...
  9. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    OK so the contestants SB = Strawbs CD = Camp David LG = LegolasG JO = Joanna Give be a few minutes to prepare questions
  10. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Sorry I've just stumbled in from work We will get started soon
  11. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    PPQ2 about to start - but give me 30 mins, got held up at work, need at lease 3 contestants
  12. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    I think thats a good idea LG
  13. Cop


    Your mates were great, and although I didn't speak to Lordy much, he was a good laugh, and that Damien lad who I was telling you Mike (who has been in touch by the way) is just like a young Ralph... its scary how much alike they are. FLASHBACK ALERT: Ralph told me to beware, not only am I going...
  14. Cop


    I think I was smashed Well I was sick when i got in :dIZZy: 8-)) ... but thats Sambuca for ya. :rOlL:
  15. Cop


    From the ones I remember... 1 clear sambuca in O’Neil’s 2 black sambuca's in Stage Door, had to buy another one because me and Dave Turner drank ours before toasting… 1 black sambuca in Liquid at beginning of night 2 black sambuca's later on in night, bought one for Ralph, but he disappeared...
  16. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Hi everyone, after the success of the pilot episode of PPQ I’ve discussed some of the rules with another poster on the board, and I think we should discuss this before the next show of PPQ, so as JizzMaster Cop the Quizmaster here us guide to next weeks show. Tuesday Nights 9.10pm, no excuses...
  17. Cop


    Yeah, is it called Stage Door?
  18. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    I love seeing my name in lights :cool:
  19. Cop


    It was Michael's fault... :dIZZy: I'm getting flash backs... dancing to “Filthy Gorgeous” <B) in a gay bar in Blackburn... :huh: why were we in there? :confused: The funny thing is... I even asked for it! :cool: :cool:
  20. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    The Bar Stewards IMDb page is beginning to look really healthy now... FULL CREDITS FOR BAR STEWARDS ON IMDb