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  1. Cop


    How do you get rid of one... I felt fine this morning... now I feel like crap :dIZZy: Help me :(
  2. Cop

    Amazing interview with Alice Barry

    And she used to go to my school!
  3. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    I love the Chris Finch head at the end! :)C :)C :)C
  4. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Yes its that pub we passed the other night I still havn't forgiven Chris for what he did to my My Gem...
  5. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Its not the dance what is funny, it was the noise I was making performing it.... I'm not a dancer!
  6. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Why does grovey Gordon head look really big? Mine very small? Have I been photoshopped in? :huh: :cool:
  7. Cop

    Amazing interview with Alice Barry

    Yeah it was me, I wasn't doing a wiggy accent. Hey, I'm proud of my Rossendale farmer accent! Jane Horrocks has one too! Lancashire fa-la-la Lancashire fa-la-la
  8. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Here's my addition to Finchy Friday... I hope he likes it! 8-))
  9. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Is it a slacker Saturday?
  10. Cop

    Amazing interview with Alice Barry

    Thats Mike .¬) Its a terrible interview by the way :dIZZy:
  11. Cop

    Dead Man's Cards: what the critics have to say...

    I think you should go back. It would be interesting to see if anybody recognised you in the film, after you served them popcorn... :-o)
  12. Cop

    Temptation... Coppack = Camp David

    Mike I have just re-sent that email, check your inbox
  13. Cop

    Temptation... Coppack = Camp David

    Not as good as "best joke" at Prestatyn Pontins in 1995 :cool: (:P) )'>
  14. Cop

    Temptation... Coppack = Camp David

    Mike have you recieved my email, titled - Fwd: Jons Comments, Camp David and your new L*** P*******!
  15. Cop

    Temptation... Coppack = Camp David

    Swimming... I've got my badge on my trunks and everything! :cool: :)C
  16. Cop

    Temptation... Coppack = Camp David

    For my films I've won... Best Editing :P Jennie: Fathers Loss (2004) Best Acting (:P) )'> Jennie: Fathers Loss (2004) Best Sound ;) Learning to Drive (2005) Biggest Scare :mad: Learning to Drive (2005) Runner-up :rolleyes: Betrayal (2005) Best Film :o Curiosity (2006) Oh, and...
  17. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    its 11pm now... :o we started at 8.30! :)C I think its only 10 questions next week :-o) I'm going to bed I think it would be even better with more people G'night
  18. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    All the 20 questions where there, I missed one out but went back to it. So Final Scores At the bottom of pile... and probably cheated out of the game - LegolasG wit 18 Clap clap clap clap Sandwiched in the middle, but quite contempt... especially if she imagines it with Todd and Karl its...
  19. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    JOANNA, well done :)C
  20. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    20. Who played Andy Rolfe in Jennie: A Fathers Loss?