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  1. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    Valeries Orchard is now on IMDb - Im so happy with this one, I've been trying so hard for months! Slight problem with Paul Gordons credit at the moment, I will fix this once the other credits have been updated But there will be new credits for Me, Sparky, Zahira, Mike, Groove, Tim and Finchy -...
  2. Cop


    Bullies... you are all bullies
  3. Cop


    Thats still not as bad as Steve McDonald from Corrie, I don't know how Mike thinks I look like him?! :confused: :huh: :)
  4. Cop

    Im the New.. And I need Help

    I'm sure Mike will fix it when he next logs into the site... I'm rubbish at that Kick ups games, but I think it becuase I still have a roller ball mouse :-o)
  5. Cop


    I tried to feed a Baked Bean to my cat... not interested really
  6. Cop

    all you oldies

    Denver in Hebrew... I dont really know what to say to that
  7. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    Tim, Ashley, Zahira, Sparky and I will have new IMDb credits soon Betrayal has now appeared on IMDb, give it a few days and we should be on there Vote for it... only if you have seen it though Betrayal Download Betrayal here -Dojo Films
  8. Cop

    while i'm away

    Did they burn him after you told them that?
  9. Cop

    while i'm away

    Shut up, and get back under your sunbed you skiving bastard 8-))
  10. Cop


    Are you hitting it hard with the boys!?
  11. Cop

    Is there something wrong with me?

    Not that familier with Natasha Bedingfield, but I heard her on BBC Radio One's Live Lounge, she performed Chasing Cars. She came across very well in her interview, funny, talented and honest... I was very impressed with her. I will have to look her up
  12. Cop

    Is there something wrong with me?

    GOOD NEWS: I'm going off David Bowie now... getting over it now, phew :cool: BAD NEWS: Guns and Roses are filling my head now, :Z I've been humming Paradise City all week... :rOlL:
  13. Cop


    So it's not a film you would rent for a family night in then... I've turned totally squeemish recently, but I can watch gore to some extent, I watched a film with Sparky a few weeks ago, I forgot waht it was called, but it was about a man who films murdering people. I hated it... How can you...
  14. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    Trust me, everybody is working hard on this production, sometimes if we work overtime, Michael gives us dog biscuits :-o)
  15. Cop

    Forum petz

    Mine was bit smelly, as soon as I logged into PSF, My computer began to humm! I wonder what Spunky looks like now?
  16. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    Not yet, I have until April 21st... I need to gather more evidence
  17. Cop

    Forum petz

    Hi Lori The petz can be found on the top tool bar in between "New Posts" and "Quick Links" They are like a cyber pet or tamogotchi (sp) if you will. If you notice on your the left hand side - where its says your name and posts posted, you also have points. You spend your points on the care and...
  18. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    I kinda know what you mean Strawbs, but in the film industry credits like these are excellent, and very impressive to have on a CV. I have been on some production shoots and seen people working their arses off, and taking a lot of shit of people, but yet making the production run smoothly and...
  19. Cop

    Sad News

    That is awful news, my thoughts are with Speggie, his family and his friends at this very sad time. RIP Vikki
  20. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    Chris and Birty have put a lot of work, time, money and effort into this production, a lot more than other actors normally do with these kinds of films. Their credits are fully deserved Cheers Lads :-o)