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  1. Cop

    Clips of the Year 07

    I think we should use this thread for TV Clips of the year. Anything broadcast on television or posted on the internet should be accessable on this thread I saw this clip at Sparkys house today - a great contender! FUNNIEST THING OF 2007???? <object width="425" height="350"><param...
  2. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    FAO: SPARKY & MIKE Our 1 Second Film credits have gone :huh: It looks like IMDb has taken them away :G Never a big fan of the whole thing anyway... look at the bigger picture, ir was for a good cause
  3. Cop

    Twilight Zone: The REAL Horror Show

    From IMDb trivia On the early morning hours of July 23, 1982, actor Vic Morrow, and two juvenile Asian actors Renee Chen and My-ca Dinh Le were killed during an accident on set. While filming a Vietnam-set battle sequence where a hovering helicopter is chasing and shooting at Morrow, whom is...
  4. Cop

    Forum petz

    Thats a good point... maybe I could eat it?
  5. Cop

    Forum petz

    the 'lil bastard has green and red spots now... ha!
  6. Cop

    Chris Finch's Longest Ever Interview

    But look at this way... to hire Chris Finch, for that amount of planning, the interview and to answer ALL your questions... personally (!) and then to get it broadcast to the world... if you were REALLY paying - it would probably cost you over a grand... nearly maybe nearly two grand, also...
  7. Cop

    Chris Finch's Longest Ever Interview

    Finch : .... Lord of the Rings Wiggy : I'm not gonna ask you why, but go on... :)C :)C :)C :)C :)C
  8. Cop

    Chris Finch's Longest Ever Interview

    Er.... Why? :-o)
  9. Cop

    it will have got new Arcade?

    Why don't you get a life? ;-) (:P) )'> :-o) I gave up on the arcade... well the leaderboards anyway... Im piss poor poor piss, people keep beating me! :mad: :G :)
  10. Cop

    Bar Stewards on IMDb

    Bar Stewards has a new producer... Produced by Zahira Ali .... producer Michael Booth .... producer Tim Paley .... producer Ian Wiggins .... producer
  11. Cop

    A little bit of Tim

    I'm convinced it was real
  12. Cop

    A little bit of Tim

    Was it a sound effect?
  13. Cop

    Forum petz

    I cant be arsed feeding the little critter... I'm letting the little barsteward starve... 8-)) what are going to do the phone RSPCA? :mad: (:P) )'>
  14. Cop

    Paul Gordon aka The Rock

    Is this Groovey Gordon? dMH0bHeiRNg
  15. Cop

    Donna Henry

    She means his cock
  16. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Don't giver her anymore... make her BEG!
  17. Cop

    Nintendo Wii

  18. Cop

    Birtys second video blog' ish

    :)C :)C :eyeroll: :eyeroll: :eyeroll: I'm prone to a bit of sausage.... :)C :)C :)C :)C :rOlL: :rOlL: :)C :)C :huh: hang on :huh: what does actually mean? ;-)
  19. Cop

    Problems with MySpace

    Yeah I've had that before... and Tom is an ignorant bastard... I tried chating to him on MySpaceIM, he replies by just saying "woo"! The pretentious cock!
  20. Cop

    Problems with MySpace

    Is anybody else having a problem with MySpace? I cant seem to get to the page where I can check if I have New Friend Requests, New Messages or Invites, you know, the page after you sign in the one with your display picture on? I can get to my mail, via clicking the mail button at the top, but I...