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  1. Cop

    Pauls Poll - McDonalds or Burger King?

    She really really wants to see it! :cool: "having caught a glimpse of a heart-shaped tattoo on his arm....'Todd and Karl forever'. " Joanna - I cant help but ask, Do you have a "Todd & Karl forever" tattoo? ;) If you do, I DON'T want to know where! :o
  2. Cop

    Pauls Poll - McDonalds or Burger King?

    As in the words of Alan Partridge... "Michael, I'm going to level with you... I'm really scared!" On the topic of being scared, I thought it would be funny to show Ashley "The Shining"... chuffed to bits with myself that I have officially scared the shit out of her, I chuckled to myself when I...
  3. Cop

    Dead Man's Cards: what the critics have to say...

    Well, I've not seen it, and think it's rubbish! :)
  4. Cop

    Pauls Poll - McDonalds or Burger King?

    Joanna... I'm blown away! :o I don't think anything will beat that post! :)C
  5. Cop

    Pauls Poll - McDonalds or Burger King?

    Ok imagine the situation, you're on a Pirates Ship, they have Bruno Langley and Chris Finch tied up at the end of a plank, Bruno is crying out for Sarah Lou, and Chris is demanding to speak to his agent. :)C One of the pirates gives you the chance to save Chris and Bruno's life, as they are...
  6. Cop

    Pauls Poll - McDonalds or Burger King?

    What if you HAD to Joanna? .¬)
  7. Cop

    Pauls Poll - McDonalds or Burger King?

    It's Monday, its Paul's Poll! Simple one today...
  8. Cop


    I've just come across this gallery of images, which has blown me away! If you aren't interested by photography or art, then flick onto the next thread now, but if you appreciate some very clever creativity check this out. Water Sculptures <img...
  9. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Sometimes I would rather watch a dodgy Steven Segal movie for £5.50... rather than paying £15 - £20 watching Burnley lose every week... :( I think its quite reasonable :cool:
  10. Cop

    Chris Finch in The Innocence Project

    I was at a Q&A seminar last night, and I learned that Mersey TV is now LIME Television - I never knew that... Sorry but I missed you last night Chris, hopefully I might catch a repeat... if Joanna knows of one - Nick Breakspear spotted you though! :-o)
  11. Cop

    Paul's Poll - Spice Girls

    Who is your favourite Spice Girl ;)
  12. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Thats the arm and leg of Dave Turner again...
  13. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    I'm sure I will send one your way when it's completed... Do you want me to sign it?
  14. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    I'm glad you are looking forward to seeing Valerie's Orchard, I must admit I wouldn't think it's "your kinda film". It's very connected to Jewish and Christian backgrounds, and it’s not my cup of tea personally, however it is very moving. And meeting Valerie was such an experience; I never...
  15. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    It looks like its NOT gonna be a Tuesday night then... :o I'm taking my Grandad to the Clarets v Dirty Leeds match... The Pilot is going to be postponed, until next week... I hope you havn't been revising too much... ;-) Sorry everybody :(
  16. Cop

    Hollywood Calling!

    I cant believe Sparky has posted this on on You Tube, although its pretty embarrassing, I think its pretty funny... Can I play Carla Purelove's evil brother? <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode"...
  17. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Sparkles it is Joanna, as for that second PS, yes I think so, you have my permission I suppose, there is not a lot to tell though...
  18. Cop


    Laura, I'm not one for the cinema experience, today I sat next to chavs talking all the way through, constant getting up to let them get drink and go to the toilet, I heard them whispering to their mates asking why is the bloke next to him (me) was laughing - because I got the funny bits, unlike...
  19. Cop


    OK, I think we have all seen it now, if you haven't don't view this thead. I was feeling a bit left out when crew and cast members were talking about this film... And I'm with Wiggy on this one, after I went to see it with Ashie tonight... I think I'm going to be giggling for days Very Funny...
  20. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Thats Dave Turner, the one who Ashie wasn't flirting with... the minx :P