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  1. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    It's Friday... Where's Finchy Friday?
  2. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    It looks like its gonna be a Tuesday night then...
  3. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz?

    Hi Guys I was just thinking, aswell as having the Monday Paul Poll (Paaaaaaauuuuuulllllllllsss Pooolllllllll), Paul Poll, I might just have a Paul’s Pub Quiz (its not got a jingle yet)... The quiz has 20 questions, all TV, Music, Film and basic general knowledge based, and essentially...
  4. Cop

    Forum petz

    Your proper rollin in it! Your pet is going to a golden dish, and an X box 360 in its Kennel! :)C
  5. Cop

    Forum petz

    I can see how much Joanna has to spend... buy a pet! :-o) You're so tight and stingy, I think Mike should get one too! :cool:
  6. Cop

    Good Taste in comedy

    Sorry I went off on a bit of a rant there, just wait until I'm in a bad mood and somebody asks my views on Cliff Richard... :) The the botox filled freak :mad:
  7. Cop

    Paul's Poll - Back to the Future

    I had that Ghostbusters Game on the Atari I think, you had to catch Slimer, the characters fell over if you crossed the streams...
  8. Cop

    Forum petz

    Mine makes a funny noise too, I need to get some scissors so I can some-how cut him out from the monitor... 8-))
  9. Cop

    Good Taste in comedy

    I’m impressed with people taste of comedy on this forum, as I have explained to Joanna through my MySpace, I find it difficult to find people in my social live who like Ricky Gervais stuff and Curb Your Enthusiasm. It frustrates me when people say they do like The Office, especially the bit...
  10. Cop

    Paul's Poll - Back to the Future

    I find difficult to believe, I grew up with Back to the Future, in fact everybody at school wanted to be Marty McFly when we played it in the school playground!
  11. Cop

    Forum petz

    I'm not quite sure to make of it... I was scared it was going to die on it first day, bruises started to appear, and it wasn't happy... Maybe selfharm, knowing I was going to look after it for the rest of its poor life, at the time you could do anything to help it. Now it just sits there...
  12. Cop

    Paul's Poll - Back to the Future

    I bought the trilogy when it first came out, probably cost £50 then, but I don't regret it. I love all three of them, but I doooooo prefer the second one... but only becuase I've seen the first one, if you know what I mean. I love the scenes where they are taking the piss out of the future...
  13. Cop

    A Welcome to our New Members!

    I think we should have thread for new members to introduce themselves, tell us a little bit about who you are, what you do and what attracted you to this forum... please don't say you want to see the pictures of me... I already know I too much of a sexy beast! :cool: :)C The Pleased Sheep...
  14. Cop

    Forum petz

    I've give him some salad, and give him some pills, he's right as rain now... :) Its bloody expensive this pet. 8o() Cant wait for him to beat the shit out of another pet though :dIZZy:
  15. Cop

    Forum petz

    I've only had a few hours, :o I put him through training where he killed his opponent... :cool: :cool: Now he aint looking so good, :Z unlike LovleyLaura's who looks quite happy :mad: I can’t even feed him, how do I feed the poor thing? :confused: I might terminate him :o :)C
  16. Cop

    Forum petz

    I've just won two... I haven't budged :G
  17. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Oh Digital Spy... duh
  18. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    Whats the DS Snared thread? :confused: What have I done now? :confused: :rolleyes:
  19. Cop

    Forum petz

    1,291.23, hardly done anything... :confused: I'm saving up for my Pet :cool:
  20. Cop

    Forum petz

    Mike, I've got it! :rolleyes: Instead of paying the cast and crew after the shoot, you can give them credits instead! :cool: