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  1. Cop


    "Iav alwayz waan-ted tooo meet you in de bushys ear Conrad, ooooooh your sutcha temptayshaun, temptayshaun!" Would it work?
  2. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    This film looks shit ;-)
  3. Cop

    something for Joanna

    We have to turn the behind the scenes camera off when Michael starts throwing tantrums... :)C (Totally off topic here... but do those smilies move around?)
  4. Cop

    Bar Stewards First Shoot of 2007

    Is it me, or does Paul "Groovey" Gordon look like he has just wet himself?
  5. Cop

    Bar Stewards First Shoot of 2007

    I like that video... it makes me look thin
  6. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    I've really missed Finchy Friday... Its good to back in the grove of things again :eyeroll:
  7. Cop

    Hooray! for the return of Monkey & Al!

    That damn Monkey is one of the reason why my beloved Burnley FC went millions of pounds in debt! :G But Al and Monkey were the only decent things ITV Digital ever produced.
  8. Cop

    Muglet Booth

    It took the most of the day getting permission off MGM Studios to use the poster... but when he finally explained why he wanted to parady the poster, they actually gave him money to do it... And The Rock autograph is in the post...
  9. Cop

    Muglet Booth

    :)C Thats well made my day!
  10. Cop

    Happy New Year 2007!

    Can I level with you again guys.... I'm very scared :Z :confused: :-o) Oh I get it now! ;) ;) ;) ;)
  11. Cop

    Happy New Year 2007!

    Mr Winky? :Z
  12. Cop

    Happy New Year 2007!

    I didn't have a super new year either, I had to spend it in a pub in Rawtenstall where it seemed to kick-off every 10 mins. I was supposed to be going to a Nightclub but I got barred from there a few nights earlier, as a school friend of mine decided to set off the fire alarms... and they...
  13. Cop

    merry christmas!

    I'm sure most people will be hungover tomorrow i will be a few tips here.... Toast and honey is the ideal New Year's Day hangover cure, Honey, or alternatively golden syrup, provides the body with the essential sodium, potassium and fructose it needs after a night out, Other tips from the...
  14. Cop

    merry christmas!

    I felt really sorry for you when I called on Christmas Day... :Z you sounded like you were on deaths door... :( :|ips: It was those sambuca again wasn't it... :rOlL: Naughty us :eyeroll: :cool:
  15. Cop

    merry christmas!

    I now own every episode of Curb... :)C And I swapped Doctor Who series 2 for Lost series one and two with my Brother ;-) so finally I can watch Lost without the annoying adverts. :cool: But I have had a pretty bad Christmas, I've really hurt my arm, :( and furniture are has been damaged...
  16. Cop

    JC's Halloween on MySpace

    I've just invited him to be my friend :)C
  17. Cop

    merry christmas!

    Its costing too much money, :G and I'm a pain when I'm drunk. :dIZZy: I'm childish as a sober person :) , when I wrecked I'm a real knob sometimes. :huh: I might just take up smoking or gambling instead :eyeroll:
  18. Cop

    merry christmas!

    Merry Crimbo everyone... :) if anyone wants a pint over this festive period I suggest getting in touch... ;-) I'm knocking the boozing on the head from January 2nd :G
  19. Cop

    Finchy Friday - Bar Stewards screen grabs and comments thread...

    The only thing I can add the slacker saturday is my illness.... :G Going to watch Burnley now... no dount that will make me feel worse... :Z So weak........ :( :( :(
  20. Cop

    Diseased Sheep

    Fed him now... when are you getting your pet anyway, your rolling in it! :-o)