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  1. Cop

    Diseased Sheep

    Risk passing it on to my friends... it would make an ideal Birthday present... a few days off work :) As for catching it it off you, I think its all those cyber hugs your giving me... :mad: <B) :Z :o :)C :cool:
  2. Cop

    Diseased Sheep

    I was supposed to be doing photography with a member of the cast tonight, and I was so relieved when one of the producers phoned me, telling me he couldn’t make it. It was that bad I had to go back to bed, a fall asleep to a recording of The Office: The American Workplace. The one where he burns...
  3. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    I thought people of restricted growth suffered constanly from brewers droop and vertically challenged people couldn't get down from the top rung of a ladder... You learn some thing new everyday I suppose
  4. Cop

    Chris Finch in Hollyoaks: In The City

    There cant be that many midget actors... can there? Is midget a PC term too? I might advertise a lead role in a movie for a midget.... just to see how many reply...
  5. Cop

    JC's Halloween on MySpace

    Here is the MySpace for Steffan Hutchinson - the Director of "Halloween - 25 Years of Terror" documentary
  6. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    that it! Thank you for taking part... I'm bushed! CAMP DAVID IS THE NEW PPQ CHAMPION FOR THE WEEK - WELL DONE CAMP DAVID! FINAL SCORES CAMP DAVID 11 - Stole the show, well done on the anagrams JOANNA 8 - Runner up again, not improving, must try harder STRAWBS 6 - hope it was worth staying...
  7. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    10. What is the name of Ricky Gervais’ new stand up tour?
  8. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    legolas is beginning to wake up and camp david has decided to start trying again! SCORES COMING UP TO QUESTION 10 CAMP DAVID 9 JOANNA 7 STRAWBS 6 LEGLAS G 5 Can Joanna get it a tie breaker? can Legolas put Strawbs to the bottom of the pile? lets find out Question 10 coming...
  9. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    9. Barbara Windsor played who in Carry On Laughing?
  10. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    its good to see the under dogs getting in there... good to see you back LEGOLAS!! SCORES SB6 CD8 LG3 JO7 NEXT WUESTION COMING UP
  11. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Oh dear, I'm so sorry Strawbs :Z 8. Sue Nicholls is famous for playing which Coronation Street character
  12. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Well done Camp David, even found time to put in cheeky remark, 2 points Joanna runner up SB5 CD8 LG1 JO7
  13. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    6. Anagram: soap actor 'Hell! Evil Camel'
  14. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Anagram coming up....
  15. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Remember its fastest finger first... and SB can certainly use hers! ;-) lastest scores SB5 CD6 LG1 JO6 Theres still time LG...
  16. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    5. Former Corrie star Chris Finch is plays which character in Bar Stewards
  17. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    OK I think we might have some Googlers in the house... but I'll turn a blind eye to it... SCORES SB3 CD6 LG1 JO5 Whats going on LG you were on form last week!
  18. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    I know its should be question 5 by the way... I'm just shuffling the questions around a bit...
  19. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    Sport 7. Which football team plays at Bloomfield Road?
  20. Cop

    Paul's Pub Quiz 2 (PPQ2)

    A little bit too late there JO Well done Strawbs and Camp David SCORES SB3 CD4 LG1 JO4 Question 5 coming up